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Old May 9th, 2005, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

One thing I'd like to see is the ability to modify ship components/building facilties with technologies as opposed to having to create a new component for each possible combination of technology.

Thus, one could have the Mega Uber Laser, research up on lens technology to make it do more damage, research up on minituraization to make it smaller (and thus fit more on the ship), research manufacturing methods to make it cheaper, ect... And this is all just one component. None of this model I, II, III, ect...

Old ships would still use the outdated versions until retrofitted, which I imagine would make things a lot more complicated since the ship no longer is a collection of components and now the game has to remember the individual stats, but I think it would be more rewarding as a whole.

Imagine, say, the cities in Proportions where all of the mineral extraction, research technologies, shielding technologies, storage technologies... _Everything_, made the city better in some way.

Second is unset ship sizes. The ability to use a simple slider/text box to scale the size up and down to any value desired, as governed by some non-linear function. Ideally, hull technologies will increase the sizes that can be used before cost becomes incredibly prohibitive. So no more cases of having unused space on the ship becaue of odd-sized hull components, plus there's less concern with the enemy getting dreadnauts first. Everyone can build dreadnauts in the beginning, it's just a matter of how much they're willing to spend. This better reflects the mentality that _anything_ is possible with enough manufacturing capital, it's just that technology is what makes it feasable.

Finally, I'd like to see better upgrade management. In SEIV, upgrading from one facility to the next only halved the cost of the new facility. Thus, in games like Proportions, it was cheaper to build a minor city (cost of 15kT across the board) and upgrade it to a metropolis (cost of about 200kT across the board, saving a total of 85kT of production) than it was to build the metropolis outright. It'd be nice if the current facility only applied, say, 80% of it's value to the new facility.
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Old May 9th, 2005, 12:38 PM
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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

How would you handle damage if ships are not made up of components?
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Old May 9th, 2005, 12:46 PM
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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

Oh, I intended ships to still be made of components, I was just referring to the overall hull size being customizable (instead of limited to pre-set sizes). Thus, if you have a size 500kT hull and you fill it with 45kT components, you would only have 495kT used. You could either scale it back by 5 kT or scale it up by 40kT to elimate the excess space (and make the ship slightly cheaper) or make room for one extra component.

If gravity isn't an issue, space ships don't have to support their own weight, so there shouldn't be any limit on size. The limit should just be on how feasable it is to put it together, which is more a matter of how much the empire can pay.

edit: Oh wait, you were talking about the first suggestion I made. By all game purposes, yes, the ships will still be made of components, but for the purpose of programming and file structure, the game will have to remember each of the individual components instead of just remembering what model of component and how many. That is, using the one component with properties defined by current technology levels (instead of multiple components for each combination of technology levels), your old ship will have to be remembered as "Uber mega laser with lens tech 3, mini. tech 2, manuf. tech 5" instead of, "Uber mega laser CVIII".

Though if it stored it entirely based on stats ("Component name: Uber mega laser. Damage: 1337, range 2, size 35kT, ect...") then there could be some interesting possibilities... Imagine an engineering bay that subtle "optimized" your ships each turn they spent in the bay. You can research technologies to make your whole fleet better, or you can invest resources to make an extremely optimized fleet. Or your fleet just stumbles on an alien artifact that latches onto your hull and merges with it, increasing armor for that particular ship/fleet but refusing to give up any secrets. Or other fun stuff.
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Old May 9th, 2005, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

I like that idea...have some of my own to propose. Someone mentioned firing arcs playing a role...which gives me the idea that perhaps some weapons can have "adjustable" firing arcs...say a "Guided Laser" which can be shot from the South Pole of a planet, that as it navigates to it's target that is orbiting above the North Pole, it loses power and accuracy, but can potentially hit and cause damage. Or missiles, that have fuel considerations...things like that.

Also, on the topic of Components...I very much like that idea. It can potentially simplify matters in ship design, and you have definately come across a potentially good idea. For example, it would be perfect for a Star Trek modification featuring the Borg - you can have incredibly huge ships, and that all of them can be adapted with "assimilated" technology on the fly...also, if new technology captured and then researched on-ship would be good: You can have mobile research stations that capture any ships that fly by...
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Old May 9th, 2005, 03:43 PM

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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

If you have played Starfury you have seen the new component system. And yes, it does allow essentially 'unlimited' levels of components without having to write out an entry for each one. It also allows component abilities based on more than one tech field, meaning you can have very complex situations such as missiles advancing in damage from warhead/explosives tech, advancing in speed from propulsion tech, and advancing in damage resistance from armor tech.

As for ship sizes, we seem to be stuck with the fixed sizes. Hopefully we can still persuade MM to use some sort of 'Quasi-newtonian' propulsion system so that there will be a logical relationship between ship size, engines installed, and performance. We shall see.
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Old May 12th, 2005, 01:52 AM
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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

Something that I want, is to be able to mod the ability to turn a facility on or off. SOmething like:

Can be disabled: yes/no

Got the urge for that ability when i was playing my first 'finite resources' game, and trying to manage my resource extractors (w/ no way to disable them, short of continuous scrap/build, it was an experience). I know it's already in beta, but it wouldn't be a bad thought, yes/no?
Now lie still, this isn't going to hurt me a bit...
-Xaren Hypr, Night City cybertech

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Old May 12th, 2005, 02:55 AM
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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

That ability would also be very useful for system gravitational shield facilities.
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Old May 12th, 2005, 09:53 AM
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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

Some features I have seen and liked in Starfury (but may be impossible for SE V):
- long term shield regeneration (not complete shield regeneration after each combat).
- slow auto hull repair (not at least one component per turn or nothing) and retaining of patial damage to components after combat.
- side differences of shields and armor (four different sides).
- side difference/arcs for weapon firing.
- cost for repairs.
- limited/variable ranges of sensors.
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Old May 12th, 2005, 01:10 PM
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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

I would like to string complex orders together to minimize management each turn. Example:

Build spaceyard,
build rock colonizer,
when rock colonizer built, transfer 1M (only) population of oxygen breathers to colonizer,
send colonizer to colonize planet X,
build spaceyard space station,
once spaceyard space station built, have it load saved build queue #3 and commence building.


to population transport: move correct breathing population to planets taking population only from planets >90% full. Do not reduce planet population to less than 50% full. Fill planets to no more than 80% full.


to ship: meet up with and join fleet ABC. (While fleet ABC continues carrying out its orders)


all planets without spaceyards not building anything right now with at least 1200 free cargo, build Weapon Platform XYZ.

to a carrier: pick up fighters from planet(s) [a, b, c, or d] until full then rendezvous with ship/fleet; or go to location xyz.


I'd also like more "overall empire management" type information easily available, especially for the system and empire level. I see from the screen shots that MM is moving in this direction. Example:

Show me how many resources are being produced at each system that currently does not have a System Robotoid Factory. Sort with highest on top.


Overlay on the quadrant map the distribution of my "attack" ships. (This could be graphical or numeric)


on the quadrant map, show me all systems that have:
- system robotoid
- system grav shield
- undefended warp points
- etc.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 09:29 PM
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Default Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V

Originally posted by 123456789 in the other suggestion thread:
- experience lets you buy more Racial Points
I soooo want this. I noticed races had exp in SEIV but unfortunately it didn't do anything. It'd be great to be able to play a race that gets more racial tech/advantages as time goes on and even better is playing "ancient" races that have been divorced from their supertech or whatnot in a fresh galaxy, too, being able to repeat the cycle so get to keep building up your race's abilities...

Likewise, there should be an option for AIs to auto-adjust to your experience, too. But yes, putting a usefulness to racial exp (that carried between games, even) would be wonderful.
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