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Old May 14th, 2005, 06:02 AM

HotNifeThruButr HotNifeThruButr is offline
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Default I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some help.

The subject pretty much explains what I'm looking for. I can't seem to get Vanheim to work! I see a whole lot of potential with this nation. I've been trying to tweak my game over a couple tests, and here's what I have so far. (I tend to be long winded, so I try to spice things up here and there... It's going to be really cheesy)

Which Pretender?: I have no clue here. I really want a pretender that would match my main magic school. I go with a Cyclops at the moment because I think Vanheim's earth magic from its dwarves is better than its air magic from Herse, Jarls, and Drott. Dwarves are more cost effective, and I've always got the human herse to lead my armies.

I've tried an Allfather with 4 air and 4 death as well as a 4 earth and 4 blood Cyclops, but they didn't work so well. I'll explain why below.

Finding balance in the Scales: I don't think I've had much of a problem with scales. In case they end up sucking, I'll talk about them anyways. I take 3 Order and 3 Magic, and pay for it with 1 misfortune and, if necessary, 1 sloth. I get a dominion of 5, no matter what my pretender is. As for my fortress, I take a fortress.

Making Magic: I'm completely blown away by the magical diversity Vanheim gets. I see a couple paths to take. Evocation focus, Alteration focus, or Blood focus.

1.Evocation focus seemed like a very good the first time I tried Vanheim. I research about 4 parts Evocation, 2 parts Alteration, and 1 part Construction. I've seen some lightning in action before and thought "I must have it!." The problem I run into here is that Vanherse can't cast any useful spells from Evocation with their 1st teir air magic while Jarls and Drott are too few (by which I mean expensive) to justify researching Evocation. Alteration is there to get some protection magic out of my dwarves because my "heavy infantry" (Hirdmen) are light weights with just 15 protection. I can't have my dwarves sitting around picking their noses too.

2.Alteration Focus was my second idea. Alteration sounded good because Dwarves are easier to produce than Vanjarls and have teir 3 earth magic each. I researched in 2 parts Alteration and 1 part Construction. It worked out pretty well, but didn't really kick too much ***. I'm still looking for something better.

3.I played around with Blood Focus too. It's too expensive to blood hunt, in the end. Since Vanjarls are the cheapest hunters I can get my hands on.

Da Boyz, AKA soldiers: I'm pick many different Vanheim units to use in many different roles.

1. Huskarls: Whenever possible, I try to get huskarls instead of Hirdmen. I often have the cash to sustain this because, for light infantry, they surprise me in costing more resources than gold. 10 gold and 11 resources each, to be exact. I love their javelins because they can do horrible horrible things to enemies with less than 15 protection. I draw the line between heavy and light armor at 15 protection. For hand to hand weapons, I like the axe huskarl better than the spears one. The spear, in my experience, just doesn't pack enough of a punch to break into heavy infantry. Axes, however, are pretty much always going to get repelled, since they have length 1. I think even broadswords can repel axes (really bad because most heavy infantry are armed with broadswords or longer weapons).

2. Hirdmen: I hate Hirdmen. I do use them when I run low on cash because they cost about double resources to gold. Otherwise, I can almost get two huskarls per hirdmen. Also, huskarls are more mobile on the map, with 2 moves instead of 1 and huskarls get javelins. For weapons, I always go broadsword on my hirdmen. Like huskarls, the spearmen just don't have enough bite to deal with heavy infantry and (Pretender forbid) Knights.

3. Skin Shifters: I don't use Skin Shifters unlike I have a huge gold surplus. And when I do have a huge gold surplus, I spend it on Vanjarls, dwarves, and Vanadrott. I'm also not in love with the idea of a 25-gold unit in less than 15 protection. The Greatsword is a nice touch, especially against Ulm and Jotunheim, but they exchange that for claws when they transform. I prefer Einheres in most situations.

4. Einheres: Einheres are nice. For about double the cost of a huskarl, I get a 13 protection unit that becomes 16 protection when he beserks (methinks). That 13 protection means Einheres aren't going to get massacred by arrow fire. In fact, I welcome arrows against Einheres because they usually just activate berserk in my einheres instead of actually killing them. For their weapons, einheres get an axe and a sword. Both are good general-purpose weapons, and having 2 weapons means they're effective against light infantry. Then, if the Einhere berserks and gets the strength bonus, they can crack enemies with 18 protection and up (at least that's what I've been using them for ) I'm usually pretty einhere-heavy when I can afford many of them.

5.Van and Valkyrie: I bunch them together because I don't use them. Their main perks seem to be redicululously high defense skills (18 on Van and 15 on Valkyrie) but they are too expensive for me to justify using them. They have trouble inflicting damage, since they're armed with just spears.

About my human troops as a whole, (I usually play with difficult or very difficult research, by the way, so this is kinda important) I wonder if Van and Valkyries are useful for anything, if Einheres have any flaws I overlooked, and if I should use spears instead of axes and swords on huskarls and hirdmen.

"We will conquer this entire world! A point at a time...": For my tactics, since you can't possibly come up with a set-in-stone "build order" (1st peon to gold, 2nd peon build a barracks...) I came up with a general guideline.

No matter what I do, on the first turn, I buy a dwarf if my Pretender isn't strong in Earth Magic and a Vanherse if my pretender is. Then, I get huskarls with axes.

1. Conquering is the first priority. Whenever I'm able, I go after those farmlands with low quality troops, because Huskarl javelins and Einheres always make short work of them. If the farmland is full of heavy cavalry or knights, I only challenge them if I know I can squash them. Basically, if I can take a high-gold province (and I say farmland above because they usually are farms) I take it.

2. For conquered provinces, I search all the provinces I get until I lose track of them because I need to bring my Pretender to a lab because I researched some awesome ritual only he can cast, or I lose track of all my provinces because eventually, I can start conquering 2-3 provinces at once.

3. For commanders, I get dwarves if I already have enough commanders, to boost my research. If I need commanders (I like to have twice as many leadership points total as I have troops) I get Herse or Vanherse, and I get Vanherse solely to use as priests. I get however much huskarls and einheres my resources allow after getting my commander. If I have more resources than gold, I go for Hirdmen instead.

4. For temples, I often can't buy all the temples I want (and I want a temple in every province) along with all the troops I want. Temple-money has a higher priority than money spent on Vanherse-money (probably because I have to have Vanherse to be able to buy temples... ) but a lower priority than troops-money.

5. I keep the peace by temporarily lowering taxes. 10% decrease per 5 unrest and then 10% more decrease (so if I have 5 unrest in an area, I lower taxes to 80%).

6. For Fortresses, I don't build them unless I find a really high resource province.

I think I've covered my whole style of play for Vanheim. I'm relatively new at Vanheim and would appreciate any advice anyone offers.
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Old May 14th, 2005, 06:30 AM
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Default Re: I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some he

Can't help much with pretender design, as my only time as Vanheim is an on going Shepherds Game, but Good Scales and low Dominion Strength seems counterproductive to me...

As for early expansion: Air Magic is truly powerful, but only after a lot of research. So I used dwarves exclusively in the beginning. Go for Con3 and Evo4 (you need both anyway) so that your dwarves may cast LegionsOfSteel and BladeWind. 2-3 swarves backing up a couple of SkinShifters set on the flanks to attack rear and some hirdmen/huskarls/einheres in the middle on hold easily conquer independents without much losses. I quite like the regenerating skinshifters with LegionsOfSteel cast on them to minimize my losses - and the skin shifters go well in the case of taking sloth as you mentioned it (I am unsure whether sloth is acceptable for Vanheim). Sort out Dwarves with unusal paths for forging and use them for research meanwhile. I only recruited two air casters: a vanadrott for site searching and a vanjarl as my prophet to cast fanaticism in the beginning and divine blessing for the vans in the end. By they are expensive so it might be sensible to wait until expansion is rearly going...

This worked for me for the beginning. Later on I would switch to Air as soon as research allows and Vans almost exclusively. I guess Vans should come in numbers to avoid expensive losses. Maybe at least 16-20, depending what you are facing. I would recommend to spend the vans a blessing during pretender design. A water blessing probably cannot hurt, as extreme stats (in this case: defense) are usually not a bad choice. However, water magic is not that useful...
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Old May 14th, 2005, 08:44 AM
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Default Re: I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some he

Vans are one of the best sacred units in the game. They cost 70 gold, but their sacredness halves that to 35, they are very stealthy and have built-in mirror image for combat. If you take any Water for your pretender, their defence becomes ridicculous, with Fire 9 they have awesome attack, defence and damage capability...

Also, if you take an expensive blessing (like Fire 9 Water 4 Earth 4), not only your Vanir and Valkyries but also your Vanherses, Vanjarls and Vanadrotts. Give them few magical items and researh Mirror Image and Mistform, and they can cause some serious damage. You could also try going the Resist Lightning & Shock Wave route if you are desperate, but be warned - combat AI will either fight or cast spells. When your Shock Wave-scripted Vanjarl has no enemies near him, he will probably cast something stupid and go unconscious too early.
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Old May 14th, 2005, 09:31 AM

Kuritza_Dru Kuritza_Dru is offline
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Default Re: I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some he

About making Thugs (I believe that's what they become, right?) out of the Vanherses. Aren't you affraid that you'll lose them to some stupid random criticals? They weren't able to fight several enemies at once when I've tried it.
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Old May 14th, 2005, 05:33 PM
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Default Re: I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some he

Hmm. I think Hirdmen rock, personally. Sure, you can recruit more Huskarls - but only in the short term. In the long term, upkeep issues and secondary forts mean that you can recruit almost as many. And Hirdmen are much better fighters. Their slow map speed is less of an issue when you've got leaders with the sailing ability, too.

Generally, I'd stick with mostly broadsword ones, with a few spear wielders just to mix things up.

I never build Huskarls. Anything that can get killed by a javelin will get wiped out by heavy infantry, so what's the point? In the early game, I do occasionally set my Vanherses to cast a few buffs on themselves (including aim), and tell them to fire nearest. They'll hit with every shot. It's probably a waste of time, but it does look cool.
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Old May 14th, 2005, 08:23 PM

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Default Re: I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some he

Ah, Vanheim is one of the best nations in the game. I have it in my personal top 4 along with Pythium, Caelum, and C'tis. The reason Vanheim is so good?

Vans, vans, and more vans. Don't bother to build anything but vans. Those guys are the single best troop in the game for the cost. There has been a bunch of analysis and some combat simulators which show this in spades.

The main thing you need to make Vanheim work ridicuously well is to get a Fire 9 Bless on your pretender. The best way to do this is with the Phoenix. In addition to the Fire 9, your Phoenix can also get Air 4-6 to give your vans a (mostly) free air shield when blessed.

To start, get a level 4 prophet so he can do Divine Bless on your vans. Then build vans. You really need Order 3 to have the gold to make lots of vans. Sloth 1 works fine because the vans are a lower resource troop. Dominion 5-6 is sufficient to have the capitol holy level to pump out the vans.

Put your starting Huskarls around as targets and use your vans to swoop in from the side and kill enemies. It is quite easy to begin taking Level 9 indies (except cavs or knights) on Turn 4 with this method. Once you use up all your starting huskarls, you have enough vans to kill pretty much any indie on the map.

Meanwhile, your phoenix can stay at home and research Alteration 3 plus Evocation 1, at which point he can take most Level 9 independants all by himself.

Fire 9 vans have the additional advantage that they can destroy enemy SCs with ease because of the 8 AP damage from the Fire 9 bless.

Try it and see!
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Old May 14th, 2005, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some he

Panther's bless suggestion is good but a few considerations:
For a mere F9 bless a moloch is the best pretender, no other pretender gets F9 bless cheaper. A F9 Moloch with fire darts+ your starting troops are enough to take weaker indies.
Meanwhile make a lvl 3 van mage your priest and start building vans and alchemize your earthgems for gold.
Soon you have a van army also going.

Problems with Vanheim though:
-No natural lvl4 Priests, so only your prophet can do the battlefield wide bless.
The normal blessing has a rather small area of effect so you need 2-3 to bless about 20 vans.
-Vans are quite expensive, so a dualbless is prohibiting expensive. So Vans are only the 2nd-best blessable troop.
Place 1 goes to the jaguar warrior.
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Old May 15th, 2005, 07:49 AM
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Default Re: I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some he

Boron said:
Problems with Vanheim though:
-Vans are quite expensive, so a dualbless is prohibiting expensive. So Vans are only the 2nd-best blessable troop.
Place 1 goes to the jaguar warrior.
I didn't get your meaning on that one.
Why do you think Jag war. the best blessable?
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Old May 15th, 2005, 08:04 AM
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Default Re: I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some he

izaqyos said:
Boron said:
Problems with Vanheim though:
-Vans are quite expensive, so a dualbless is prohibiting expensive. So Vans are only the 2nd-best blessable troop.
Place 1 goes to the jaguar warrior.
I didn't get your meaning on that one.
Why do you think Jag war. the best blessable?
Because they are cheap. So you can afford a dualbless and still build a couple of them.
And Mictlan has holy4 priests, another advantage.

With Zen's Scale mod it is imho nearly impossible for Vanheim to do a dualbless but Mictlan can do it because the jaguars are cheaper.
3,5 Jaguars per Van Cost+Upkeepwise.

And 3,5 Jaguars normally beat one Van also. 1 vs 1 the Van would win but 3,5 vs. 1 the Jaguars win probably
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Old May 15th, 2005, 01:12 PM

FrankTrollman FrankTrollman is offline
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Default Re: I can\'t seem get Vanheim to work. Need some he

I actually think the best Sacred Troops are Marignon's Flagellants. Back those guys up with Fire 9/ Astral 9 as the big giant head, and your scales can actuall be vaguely OK while you pump out vast armies of blessable crap from every castle.

They are made of paper mache, but each one gets Twist Fate, which means that as a whole they stay around for quite a while, and with two attacks each delivering flame blades - they go through ethereal or corporeal troops like a hot knife through butter.

Nonetheless, I'm not much impressed by any sacred troops. Flagellants are great against other nations, where you expect to take losses; but they really suck against independents, where the goal is no losses. A group of Flags will come in, take some losses, and kill way more than their cost against just about everything. Which makes them completely the suck when compared to Marignon Crossbows, who will happily kill most indep forces without taking a scratch.

The only time being sacred is really awesome is when your national mages are sacred (allowing you to put a Water 9 blessing or any Earth Blessing), as that allows you to lay down more spells in combat. Sacred Mages is a big deal, Sacred Troops is a stupid pet trick.

The powerful blessings are not worth their cost when applied to guys with swords. No matter how awesome (vans) or cheap (flagellants) those guys are.

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