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Old May 21st, 2005, 01:35 AM
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Default Star Wars Ships & Status of SW Mod

I have looked about and have not found any good up to date info on this mod. Does any one have a clue?

I have been kicking around the idea of making my own SEIV Empire / Rebel ship sets for my own use, especially now that I have a whole new list of ships that I can use, thanks to Episode III and Empires At War preview.

Right now there are NO Star Wars 4x games on the market and aside from an RTS style game, Empires At War, there are no plans for one. The only Star Wars 4x game was Rebellion and it barely fit into the mold. It was limited to 200 systems, and had only two sides. It was a great game in its own right but the learning curve was horrendous at best. Well worth it if you took the time to learn the game.

It's been nearly five years since SEIV beta was released and still no working Star Wars mod. Am I the only one who finds this very disappointing?

I mean how hard could it be to hash out a good mod out line. They had only four or five weapon types, with point defense cannons being very inaccurate. Lasers, Turbo Lasers, Ion Cannons, and blasters.

Sure they had an assortment of troops and fighters, but that can be modded into the game seperately as Infantry, Ground Based Assualt Forces, and Air Assualt Forces.

Fighters are pretty basic, each side has about four major designs.

As to capitol ships, well look to Rebellion and a few other Star Wars games for a good list.

Use portions of Suicide Junkies Carrier mod, with his permission of course, and rename a lot of stock SEIV technology, components, and weapons, and your off and running.

Hell you could even use my Hero/Facility idea to make the System Governors and such. (basically replace a facility with an image of a man, give him system or planet ability, with limitation of one per planet or system)

We would not have to worry to much about fighter weapons as most fighters use lasers.

A propulsion system could be devised that allowed for hyperdrive, FTL, and stardrive engines. Each would have a differant cost, size, and supply usage requirement.

Ships that max there speed out each turn would run out of supplies faster than if they limited their movements to half of less of their maximum range.

The way I see it, I have but two choices, I can reinstall and play Rebellion, a seven year old game, yes it does have 3d combat, or I can wait for a Space Empires IV Star Wars Mod and play it.

I would prefer to have a SEIV mod as the game has far more depth than Rebellion even if it does not have the DEPTH of rebellion. (Rebellion had some great concepts that SEIV - or V - could really benefit from adopting, but likely will won't.)
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old May 21st, 2005, 02:03 AM

luke_slovakian luke_slovakian is offline
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Default Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

I know Intimidator was workin on his version. It had hero and everything...i myself thought it was great. Not sure what u were thinking but he already added hero trait to it.

We nice done and he redid some other things but can not remember. Can't wait til he comes back
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Old May 21st, 2005, 02:37 AM
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Default Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

Ya we had talked a while back. I don't know if he was using hero's as components, or not. Component hero's work too, but then you end up with 20 Admiral Petts.... not good.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old May 21st, 2005, 08:07 AM
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Default Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

On the other hand Inti is ill for several more weeks...
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Old May 21st, 2005, 09:37 AM
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Default Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?


Good discussion..............

Indeed , I will be gone for another 3 weeks (2 if all goes well the next week), but am allowed to go home in the weekends now.
My recovery is going fine and can walk around now a bit, and my concussion is over now (at last, had some serious headache for 5 weeks )
And again I want to thank everybody from the SEIV society for the (mental) support.

But now the important news, INDEED I am working on an Star Wars mod (I even want to call it the Rebellion Mod). And although I didn't have any internet acces for the last 6 weeks, I had my laptop with me all the time . So I can announce that I made some good progress the last weeks.
---- (Luke , I can't recall (brains are still a bit Blurry)...... Did I send you some early Beta ?????)

---- Indeed AT. that is the only problem with my mod. Hero-components......... It can be played only with mutual trust between players, that you will build/use only one of the hero's in your empire.
But I really want that part of the gameplay, So I added it and will NOT remove it. (Damn, it is the most important part I added to the mod (Still based on Andres SWii mod, ships scale, which I think is great.)

Another very important part I added the last weeks are unique (planet originated) tech areas (used with canon SW map).
Example : do you want Tauntaun's -> colonize Hoth.
En do you want some faster construction sites -> go to Kuat or Corellia.........
And offcourse the Imperial military academy can be found on Carida for some better officers and troopers/pilots.

Am workin now on:
- Geonosis (some old abandoned droid factory )
- Kamino (Cloning abilities)
- Kessel (Better (spice) mining)
- Wayland (The emperor's treasure-chamber, Joruus C'baoth / spaarti cilinders / Luke's DNA)
- Dathomir (witches/Rancors ??? have to fill this in yet)

And am working on more, but didn't had internet acces so am delayed on that part (So everybody who red all the books , please give me INFO)

But the most important part of the mod will be ROLEPLAYING (*** people know who play(ed) my ST: Quadrants of conflict games)
I know that some people don't like it but I prefer canon/realism ABOVE game/empire Balance.
So the mod will never work as SP game , but will be fun as Multiplayer.

I hope I informed you well enough for now.
And I will make sure that some Beta is available soon....

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Old May 21st, 2005, 09:53 AM
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Default Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

BTW. AT. I see you are very eager to play some sort of SW mod (mayby because you saw SWIII )
So if you want it, make sure we meet on MSN this weekend and I can give the beta to you, and maybe we are able to play one of our oneonone games again soon !!)

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Old May 21st, 2005, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

AT, you should definately make some Rebel/Empire ship sets.

I'm also eager to immerse myself in some Star Wars universe action after seeing the movie.
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Old May 21st, 2005, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

I've stopped working on my Star Wars mod because I'm beta testing SEV. I have a few data files, notes, and ideas I can send you if you want.

I think there were a couple of people also working on SW mods.
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Old May 22nd, 2005, 04:05 AM
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Default Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

These are not the greatest, but they are a start.

Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old May 22nd, 2005, 04:54 AM

Zaamon Zaamon is offline
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Default Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

Can you also make Republic shipset? Or somebody else.
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