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Old June 25th, 2005, 04:31 PM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Imperator Fyron said:
This is going to far... Lets all back away from this conversation now.
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Old June 25th, 2005, 04:36 PM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Imperator Fyron said:
Imperator Fyron said:
This is going to far... Lets all back away from this conversation now.
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Old June 25th, 2005, 04:55 PM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Yeah I just meant a rant against the Nazi party and how disgusting I find THEM I didn't mean to start a debate about racism and tolerance as a whole sorry folks if I caused ANY offense (unless your a nazi in which case )
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Old June 25th, 2005, 05:03 PM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Now we are just getting into racisim. Its ok for gays and blacks to have pride marches but its not ok for a bunch of dum *** white guys?
If they were only intellectually deficient, there would not be a problem. A problem arises when people who call for a racial conflict and genocide begin to hold marches and gatherings - and history has shown that such gatherings are filled with fanatics would would love (and most of the time, did) manifest their beliefs physically. This applies to any group of any races, be it Black Supremacists such as the Muslim Brotherhood, White Supremacists such as the Aryan Brotherhood, and anti-gay groups such as Fred Phelps and gang.

If it is ok for one group of people to do something, then it must be so for all or there is no equality.
I'm not arguing that.

I would also like to point out that these fools more likely than not, had nothing to do with causing any world war, and probably never will.
Are you so certain of that? All it takes is one catastrophe for these groups to capitalize upon and it will all go straight to hell, unless groups that promote hate are nipped in the bud. This is what happened to many arab nations, this is what caused the rise of the Nazi party, and others.

What I fear is that some day a group of white people will want to celibrate their heritage and hold a march and in doing so be called nazi's when in fact they are not. That is the day that I would get seriously ticked off at some racisit people.
That will never happen for Nazism and/or White Supremacy has no links to any culture, any heritage, or any ethnic group. No culture on the face of the planet has or espouses innate totalitarian, anti-semetic, pseudoscientific creeds. If a person of germanic origin began to force wursts into everyone's faces and kept talking about the greatness of the bavarian culture and cuisine, then he will be called a nazi, not because he is a german, but because he is ignorant.
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Old June 25th, 2005, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

I cannot disagree with you regarding the kind of uber dumb asses who think that being a member of the Nazi party skin head movement is something to be proud of. It isn't, and they are for the most part, angry young white guys who have less than a fifth grade education, suffor from low self esteme, and more likely than not, do drugs and have a criminal history.

These hate mongers are the lowest form of white trash that there is, and I am ashamed to think that all white people are somehow being grouped with these degenerates.

We live in a society where we enjoy the freedom to hold marches, even if it is a march about loving hatred, we have that right. Now I am not saying I would ever participate in such a thing, and would never preclude any person from marching in opposition to such a thing. In fact I would encourage it.

Hatred combined with stupidity and racisim is a very dangerous combination indeed. So dangerous that in normal instances such a thing would be pulled up by its roots and exterminated post haste. However since most of the neo-nazi's are just young druggie kids with a fourth grade education who are predestined by fate to die in prision or in some back ally with a needle hanging from their arm, I feel that for the most part we, as a whole, are safe from the resurgance of the megalomanics that brought about so much hardship for the world in the late 30's early 40's.

There is no way in hell these dumb *** kids and old inbread retards would ever be able to organize a political party. They simply do not have the I.Q. And in the event that our society should fall into chaos and these psyco bastards appoint themselves "the law," you can count on me to stand right beside you and kill each and every last one of them. Believe me when I say, we would be doing the world a favor by removing them permently from the gene pool.

I do hope the counter march goes well Starhawk.
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Old June 25th, 2005, 07:29 PM

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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

TerranC said:
Atrocities said:
I ask you why it is considered discusting if a group of white men get together to celibrate their belief in white power. It is no differant than a group of black men or gay people doing the same god damn thing.
Black power never caused a world war, and the Gay Rights Movement does not advocate a holocaust of heterosexuals. I would also like to mention that Blacks and Homosexuals have never lynched Whites or Heterosexuals for simply looking at a black woman or for talking with a gay man.

That is why people tolerate or even encourage those who celebrate "black power" and "gay power", and actively discourage and disassociate themselves with those who celebrate "white power".
TerranC, you are blaming a whole segment of society for the sins of the few. Take homosexuality for example. You said "Homosexuals have never lynched...Heterosexuals for simply...talking with a gay man" Probably true, and there have been a few unfortunate isolated instances where "gay bashing" has occured. However, the way you phrased your reply lumped all heterosexuals in with those who took the route of violence.

I do not hate homosexuals. I do however very strongly disapprove of their choice of lifestyle. I know that is not a popular opinion in this day and age, especially in Canada where I live. But if I went on the news and said I hate the choices people make when they indulge in a homosexual lifestyle, I would be condemned as a "homophobe". Isn't that my choice, my free opinion? Let me ask you this. Why is there a "gay pride" week and day and all that [censored], but if I tried to create a "heterosexual pride" day or week or whatever, I'd be considered a homophobe? Why can't I be proud of being a male, white, heterosexual person, without being condemned as a racist, sexist homophobe if I express pride in what I am?

Ladies and gentlemen, the world has swung too far. Trying to make up for the mistakes of the past has pushed the pendulum of acceptability too far the other way.
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Old June 25th, 2005, 09:28 PM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

I agree with Imperator Fyron.

Imperator Fyron said:
This is going to far... Lets all back away from this conversation now.

Remember the lives that were lost so that we could have the privilege of voicing our opinions right here on this board. They died believing that they would create a better world for their children and so on. We need to learn to differentiate good from bad and just leave it at that! BUT most of all we need to learn to get along together with each other.
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Old June 26th, 2005, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

You said "Homosexuals have never lynched...Heterosexuals for simply...talking with a gay man"... However, the way you phrased your reply lumped all heterosexuals in with those who took the route of violence.
My comparison of heterosexuals regards to their relationship with homosexuals and americans of african descent and americans of european descent was only invoked to rebuke AT's flawed comparison of white power movements to black power movements or gay pride movements. I, in no way possible, said, meant to say, or alluded to saying that all whites are KKK members, or all germans are Nazis, or all heterosexuals are Fred Phelps-loving gay bashers. If you have construed my statement as saying the aforementioned opinions, then it is clear that you have read it out of context - that you have only quote-mined what I said. I would advise you to read the entire thread before accusing a person of saying such and such.

And as for your opinion on gay pride marches, do look here:
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Old June 26th, 2005, 02:42 AM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

TerranC said:
You said "Homosexuals have never lynched...Heterosexuals for simply...talking with a gay man"... However, the way you phrased your reply lumped all heterosexuals in with those who took the route of violence.
My comparison of heterosexuals regards to their relationship with homosexuals and americans of african descent and americans of european descent was only invoked to rebuke AT's flawed comparison of white power movements to black power movements or gay pride movements. I, in no way possible, said, meant to say, or alluded to saying that all whites are KKK members, or all germans are Nazis, or all heterosexuals are Fred Phelps-loving gay bashers. If you have construed my statement as saying the aforementioned opinions, then it is clear that you have read it out of context - that you have only quote-mined what I said. I would advise you to read the entire thread before accusing a person of saying such and such.

And as for your opinion on gay pride marches, do look here:
I have read the entire thread, from start to finish. However, I did take what you wrote in the wrong context, likely due to the speed at which I read it. It seems I have offended you, and I wish to say that that was not my intent, I merely was talking about a subject that can bother me greatly, and I obviously wrote too quickly, before thinking enough. I am sorry.

I must say though that my opinions of Gay Pride marches and the like were not changed much by the link you provided. I guess I am too set in my ways.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".

Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.

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Old June 26th, 2005, 03:38 AM
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