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Old June 26th, 2005, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Okay, i have considered very long weather i post in this thread or weather not. i will, as you all see.
First let me express my wondering and my "shock" when i folowed this discussion ( while reading it).
You talk about someting, i think you do not really understand. This Nazi march in Yorktown is surely an absolutely disgusting thing to hear of and you bet i would be very happy to hear that your National Guard or police SWAT would cap those goonies alltogether, but for starters, as your constitution allows such idiots to go around you will have to show courage and show up as some of you metioned and show them they are alone.
But are they really? There are for sure many decent people who care about the human rights and adore freedom and are everything but racists. But you also have a lot of folk who still thinks they are sometime in the Confederated States. KuKLuxKlan, this Militia goons, and all that other white rasist movements you have, you have named some of them, i believe there are many more. WHile you could say, you in germany have them too, i would reply: Yes, but our Naziīs are only "armed" with their hate, their ignorant view of the modern world while your racists are armed with guns legally to put it on the top. So, the possible danger coming from yor nazis and white power "mongers" is far more capable of creating mayhem than those in germany. Adding the fact that you have a lunatic warmonger in your administration who tries to "eradicate" his "axis of evil" with the pure and cleansing fire of another crusade to the "holy lands", who plays with the fear of a lot of people to cut on the rights of these and creating a very special "land of the free" ( wher free is what patriotism dictates)and i think you have a lot of thinking to do in your land to ensure the freedom and equality of all people. You speak so easily of all this, one could think this i s asort of small talk to you all and this would surely shock me the hell out of me.
Fact is: There is discrimination of people with different "color" done by "white" men, they lash out against gays and have implemented laws against those people ( The Naziīsdid that too) Not so long ago there was still apartheid in your country, you brought those first afro americans as slave stock to america and you really wonder why they are different? You made them to be. When i watch CNN sometime, i do nearly allways see "black" people having committed some crime or were shot. Are there no "white" criminals or are they not so important to show. The society which was ceated decades ago hasnīt still changed enough to cancel this mistakes. You call it the land of the free, but when you "conquered" the land which you now call free, you committed nearly genocide with your native indians. Oh yes, you care about them, you gave them reservations where they can live.............
Again, i excuse myself for my words with all those decent and fine folks out there, and by calling you you, i mean of course your ancestors.
Somebody said something like:"if they like to demonstrate let them and vice versa you can say if they like to be racists, let them" I say no! Try to do not let them. Stand up and stand against this mess. Stop them, if you cannot persuade them to see things right, make laws and forbit them. Be tough and have "nuts" and ban weapons.
Do yo know how difficult it is here in germany to get legally a gun as a private person? Nearly impossible and thatīs okay. i do not want anybody shooting me just because he is allowed to wear a gun and he doesnīt like my face or what i say. As long as you have the courage and stand up, changes are possible.
And before you start bashing me around as a bloody german, let me say this:
My mom sat in her basement having bombs dropped at her from Brits and yanks alike, my father was in russia and came out of it in a state that it killed him years later when i was a child and my grandpa was tortured by the GESTAPO in prison for his beliefs so i am for sure no "german nazi" as mot of us arenīt; as most of you arenītracists too.

You know,when i read such threads i got this "bad" feeling. As i said before, the danger in these things is allways that it gets smalltalk and "nonsense" having everybody say : Oh yes, yess, bad,bad........."

Thats all from me....
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Old June 26th, 2005, 08:25 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Atrocities said:
You do realize that every time you do that the topic gets bumped to the top of the list, right?

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

yeah, I think we should amend the first amendment so that is someone says something to piss you off you get to take a free shot at their balls/ovaries in a roshambo like duel. 10 paces, turn and PUNT! No permenant damage, just a good clear shot at their balls/ovaries, they can block it if they see it coming, and they can retaliate and you can block it if you're quick.

If there were some kind of consequenses for "free" speach that is likely to piss someone off then we'd all be better off.

Also if a kid who is not our kid is in a checkout like is shrieking, we should be able to beat them mersilessly.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 02:50 AM

AMF AMF is offline
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Sorry, all, for yet another post, which will not help the desire to end this thread. But some things cannot go by without being challenged. Gotta speak the truth to power, if ya know what I mean.

So here goes:

Starhawk said:
<snipped>... if you looked at Germany the Nazi party gained power because the vast majority of Europeans are white yes, but also because in a way they rebuilt the German infrastructure they made Germany powerful again and they appealed not to "White pride" but GERMAN pride and GERMAN heritage as their rallying point, and as they "Liberated other Germanic nations" from the "oppression" of other countries the Germans and even hundreds of thousands of others from other surrounding nations were in a way pleased to see their "original" heritage being honored again and rising to power again after so long.
And the Modern "Neo-Nazis" obviously have never studied history as
1. They claim to be socialist while the real Nazi's who they claim to emulate were Fascist
2. They are an undisciplined bunch of idiots while the original Nazis were strict and regimented to keep the people in line.
3. The modern "Nazis" go around yelling Zeig Heil (sp?) which I've been told means "Victory and Welfare" about thirty times in a row and stomping and throwing a half assed Nazi salute.
While you'd only ever hear the real Nazis say it a handful of times in any given "ralley" much like we'd say "God bless America" or in the case of Brits "God Save the Queen" nobody would be stomping or shouting it like idiots either. I just find that funny is all.
Starhawk, with all due respect, I think that you sound like a person who is trying to justify their ethno-nationalist beleifs, without actually understanding that they are racist. Plus, there are a number of fundamental errors that others have pointed out ("national socialist" is fascist, not socialist, etc...)

An educated opinion, is much more powerful than an uneducated one. I would encourage you, in all honesty, to do some research before making claims such as those you have made above. Start with neo-nazi websites, and then go to www.splcenter.org and so forth...


Finally i have to say it here to risk offending anyone or sounding a little racist if I do sound racist I'm sorry but here it is anyway.
The vast majority of countries who's main populace is black (I'm damn well not saying "African American" because there are a BUNCH of countries who aren't american but are black) are dirt poor and too busy dealing with "Drugs, tribal warfare, ethnic cleansing" and other crap to cause any world wide trouble I mean have you looked at Africa lately....two words "Hell Hole" not to mention primitive people who still beleive in zombies for crying out loud!

The majority of people in the US apparently belive that Armageddon is around the corner, that these are the last days, that the AntiChrist walks the land, and pretty soon Christ will Rise again etc...And, heck, the whole new age, crystal, tarot card reading, reiki, all that stuff is just as unfounded and silly as "zombie-ism"...and I bet a whole lote more people in the States beleive in that than Africans beleive in Zombies.


(I personally am NOT racist my best friend for a long time was a black guy I knew, I've asked out a Chinese girl and I've had several black friends)

from Webster's:
1) The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2) Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Sorry, Starhawk, I think you are a racist. By claiming that a group of people exhibit characteristics such as "primitive" unable to run their own affairs, live in hell hoels, etc...based solely on their skin color, is fundamentally a racist viewpoint.


But race wise let's look at it from a standoffish point of view if your want to stick to which "races" are more likely to cause a world war it's going to be white's and Asians because if you even look at Neighborhoods within the US white and Asian majority neighborhoods have far less crime then black neighborhoods not to mention the ghetto and the fact that Africa is basically one giant ghetto for the most part.

I suggest going to Africa before making these types of statements. At least educate yourself a bit more. Also look up the meaning of the word ghetto - I think you just mean "screwed up". Having spent quite a lot of time in Africa, I can tell you that the vast majority of people there are wonderful people who are trying to do their best in awful situations. Tribalism and corruption have screwed them, its' true, but to claim that becuase they are black they can't get their act together, is basically racist.

Eventually, I beleive that you will become more educated - I think you said earlier you're 17 years old, right? Perhaps after going to university you'll be exposed to different viewpoints and ideas, and get away from what has clearly been a very limited set of experiences. Broadening one's mind is one of the most important and illuminating things one can do for oneself.


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Old June 27th, 2005, 03:37 AM

luke_slovakian luke_slovakian is offline
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Well truthfully I did not read all the comments you wrote but I think neo nazis are idiots and so on...it is in their right to protest which i wish they didn't but....
In san francisco this sunday was the gay parade. A bunch BUNCH of gay guys showing their pride. what do you think of that guys? I mean in my opinion that is gross but was wondering what you though.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 03:41 AM

luke_slovakian luke_slovakian is offline
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

I read a little bit more and saw what you wrote about the black community bringing back their disgrimination...w/ all the ppl i know agree that blacks from africa actually work to get ahead and have good lives unlike the other blacks who are disgriminate verse the whites long ago. And not they try to get back at us...i mean that is wrong. Did you hear that Richmond, California is in code red because the blacks live there and are killing eachother and any white person who enters their area, there are ppl selling drugs in the streets and police are not doing anything.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 04:00 AM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

luke_slovakian said:
Well truthfully I did not read all the comments you wrote but I think neo nazis are idiots and so on...it is in their right to protest which i wish they didn't but....
In san francisco this sunday was the gay parade. A bunch BUNCH of gay guys showing their pride. what do you think of that guys? I mean in my opinion that is gross but was wondering what you though.
Well I also disagree with the whole thing, but it is their right to show pride in what they want. Doesn't mean people like you and I have to approve though.

If you read about a page back, there was a fair bit said about this very subject. No need to go through it again.

To Alarikf: Suggesting to Starhawk that he check out Holocaust denying literature was going a little far don't you think? Just my opinion on that one.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 04:04 AM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Has anyone else noticed the lack of other activity on this board since this topic became so heated? Perhaps it is, as other's have said, time to let it die.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".

Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.

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Old June 27th, 2005, 05:12 AM

AMF AMF is offline
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Renegade 13 said:
To Alarikf: Suggesting to Starhawk that he check out Holocaust denying literature was going a little far don't you think? Just my opinion on that one.
Done. Thanks for calling me on it. Good to have a sanity check...

Geoschmo, AT, somebody: KILL THIS THREAD, DELETE IT!


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Old June 27th, 2005, 03:37 PM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

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Let it die. I will lock it down for 24 hours to burry it.

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