WBWilder said:
Concerning the editing of individual units, Andy, or whoever would know...
Is there in your program a way I can have all units of one side listed in the editing program so that I can edit the experience and morale of each unit without having to open each one in the scenario editor and doing it one at a time?
For example, I want to open the Iraqi side. I want to change the morale and experience of most or all units. Will your program put me up a list of these units with their experience and morale listed beside the name so that I can click on the slot of each one and change the number?
Or must I do that in the scenario editor one at a time?
Wild Bill
If you mean "yor programme" to mean mobhack - that has nothing to do with individual units (formations differ). But as you are talking about scenarios, you probably mean the scenario editor?.
In there you need to open each unit and edit individually. The clone function is under investigation ATM, as it seems to be missing some fields, but that should let you pick any T-54 say, and just edit morale and experience and then clone them. then repeat for al athers of the same type.
There is no global way to change the morale and experience except - probably - if you set the global preferences to override country training (troop quality)
before buying your troops when you
should get your overrides (+ or - the usual random factor) - and remembering then that if you buy an elite or low grade formation it will override these with the vaues as shown for morale and exp shown at the top of the purchase screen. Check the game manual "preferences screen" section for how to change preferences (and remember that these overrides will stay in place until you change them!