SurvivalistMerc said:
I can think of a reason for there being occasional chassis cost that is higher or lower than average...some paths have more or less synergy than others. For instance D1S1 is very nice on a cheap mage for astral darts. Have you compared this to some subjective sense of path synergy?
I don't think that there was a lot of that type of fudging going on when Illwinter was pricing the mages. The Seithkona, for example, is 30 gold the exact amount that Illwinter specifies for the base amount for a mage.
One of the reasons why some mages have a higher base cost is a tough chassis or a chassis. For example: Starspawn (45, 70), King of the deep ( 80 ), Pan ( 120 ), Gygja ( 150). Other chassis cost more due to signifigant combat ability. Ex: Niefel Jarl (240), Vanadrott (140), Paladin ( 110). Some chassis are cheaper for national flavor: High Seraph ( -55 ), Sauramancer ( -10 ). Some chassis are cheaper due to the crazy pricing of holy mages: Thurg ( -20), Arch Thrurg ( - 10 ), Grand Master ( -10 ). Some are difficult to explain Norna 60 gold??
What this chart does though is show which mages are really cost effective and which ones are not. I, and many other players, really like to buy High Seraphs, Seraphs, Sauramancers, Dwarven Smiths, Deep Seers, and Astrologer and for good reason! Also many players find that Gygja's and Jotun Skratti are really pricey and indeed they are.