1-A Wrap around is almost ready, and incoming (with north and south strips to prevent inter polar teleportation).
Too bad there is no "East/West wrap around" option...
2-The provinces names... In 200 million years, things change, you know... (that's the official version. The truth is that I was really impatient to show the work of some months. And find 360 names that sound and thematical... I think I was under a strong "Sloth" Dominion at this point

So I wrote the more obvious, and convinced myself with the "in 200 million years, things change" theory...
But I think I'll have to finish my work, and it will be done!
3-I'll also write a special script for some provinces. There is one special province for each sort of magic (the giant skull=death, silicon valley=earth, Evrest=air...), and there will be a fixed strong site (level 3 or 4) in each, protected by a special independant army.
Thanks a lot for your advice and help!
edit: And the visual?! Is it nice looking? Things to change?