Re: You Learn Something New Every Day.
Speaking of overhauling your computer to get games to run... I got Civ4 & AOE3 as early Christmas presents, and both of them required some work to get going. AOE3 wasn't too bad, I just needed to run a patch since I couldn't get passed the first mission because a bit of audio wasn't playing which was preventing the trigger for the events that let you win to go off.
Civ4 on the other hand... When I try to start it, it doesn't work, but there's a post on the forum about how to fix my particular error. First they tell you to uninstall Civ4, then uninstall your video drivers, then RE-install Civ4, install the newest video drivers and if (read: when) that doesn't work, you have to download an unpacker program and unpack one of the big artwork files (which takes about 25 min), then backup the artwork file somewhere and try again. Now, this works, but it's a PITA to have to go through all that to get a game to work. And apparently this bug only affected ATI cards. Did they not bother testing it on an ATI equipped machine? Gah!
Still, both good games once they're working.
Suction feet are not to be trifled with!