
December 3rd, 2005, 11:06 AM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
- Free Port:(Water-0) Any commander may enter to obtain the "sailing" ability for 4 rounds.
- Heavenly Haven:(Holy-2) Any commander may enter to obtain a temporary ability for 4 rounds, which is identical to holding a "flying carpet" item.
- Acient Anchorage:(Water-2) Allows recruitment of sailors. Sailors are similar to light infantery. A commander with at least 10 sailors under his command gains the "sailing" ability, provided that at least 50% of the summed sizes of all his troops are from the sailors under his command. (i.e. Commander Size 4, 20 sailors size 2, 9 size 4 critters can still sail together.)
- Pirate's Den:(Blood-2) Allows recruitment of pirates, produces 20 gold, shifts scales towards turmoil. A pirate functions like a sailor as described above, but has a cooler picture and is himself stealthy. (So adding less than 50% in size-terms of other stealthy troops with a stealthy commander yields a stealthy sailing group.)
All of the above are restricted to coastal provinces, the ancient anchorage is restricted to a coastal woodland province, the pirate's den to a coastal wasteland or coastal mountain.

December 3rd, 2005, 02:33 PM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
Water Cork (water-0)
A commander may enter to attempt to remove the cork and drain the entire ocean.
It will probably take >30 strength to do it, if a commander can pull out the cork, all of the water in the ocean are drained - all water provinces connected to the province with this site, and those connected to those connected to... etc. are turned into swamp provinces.
If the commander fails, he is swallowed in the bottomless hole under the cork (=dies).
This could be quite an entertaining site (and wholly overpowered).
Can you think of a better word than Cork? It sounds really dumb.
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)

December 3rd, 2005, 02:56 PM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
Keystone: Provides a one-off casting of Ashkic (sp?) Record, and generates a gem or two as well.
Flames of Truth: Fire gems alchemised here will generate research, not money. It generates a few fire gems of its own.
Iron Obelisk: Inverts the relation between the magic scale and research for that province. Good for Ulm, useless for everyone else.
Star Pyramid: +1 penetration bonus for all your mages everywhere.

December 3rd, 2005, 02:58 PM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
Here are some I mentioned a year ago in a wishlist thread:
Wormhole[S3] When found, it either adds a "Gateway to Province X" option to any commander in the province (or adds a 1-way #neighbor) to a random province at least 3 away from the site. The destination could either be fixed, or could move randomly every so often. Since it's 1-way, there is a similar risk in going through as if you were teleporting (no retreat).
Hidden Passage[E1] When it is discovered, there is a troglodyte or similar monster attack on the province. Afterward, an adjacent but non-neighbor province is now a neighbor (both ways). This is simply to envision discovery of an underground passage which allows bypassing a impassable mountain range, or river, or cliff face, etc. Perhaps the "other end" of the passage does not appear as an event until units use the crossing the first time, so it could be used for a surprise attack once. It can provide +2E and random horror attacks if you want the "Mines of Moria" variant...
Hall of <X> Elevation[1X] One site exists for each of the 8 paths X=(FAWESNDB), and a commander in that province will have a discount in the cost of Empowerment in that path. E.g. If it was a 20% discount, empowering a Druid from NN to NNN at the "Hall of Nature Elevation" would only cost 36 instead of 45 nature gems.
Echo Canyon / Resonant Woods[A2] Doubles the area of effect or increases the strength of all "Songs" or "Tunes" (Soothing, Healing, etc) in the province.
Empty Altar[H2] Performing a Call God action in this province treats your priest level as +1 for this purpose.
A lot of my favorites are simple 'real' things like the Fault Line above, and things that change mechanics that don't normally have any modifiers (like the cost of mercenaries, or empowerment, or calling god, or #neighbors). A lot of people seem to want there to be more accessible ways to be able to heal curses or afflictions, and I don't think so. (or if so then Arco demands some compensation!)

December 3rd, 2005, 04:55 PM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
Well, Arco could get some really special, unique power, that no other nations have and can't access to. As they are mainly an Astral nation, maybe a way to freely Scry provinces... maybe limited by their dominion... maybe something like their SECOND UNIQUE ABILITY!
You know, Arcoscephale isn't exactly a weak nation. The fact that the priestesses can heal afflictions isn't their only power, but one of the many strengths of the nation.
I don't know if it'd be good for the game, but I'm accustomed to there being next to no ways of healing, so I oppose the change out of stubbornness.

December 3rd, 2005, 05:21 PM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
Endoperez: Just a reminder--brainstorming rules--no critiques/negative comments while we're putting together the base list.
Endoperez said:
I don't know if it'd be good for the game, but I'm accustomed to there being next to no ways of healing, so I oppose the change out of stubbornness.
To All: I really like all this stuff. Consider us still going at least two weeks into December! 

December 4th, 2005, 05:44 AM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
> Water Cork (water-0)
> A commander may enter to attempt to remove the cork and drain the entire ocean.


December 4th, 2005, 10:31 PM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
Draining the ocean might be irritating for Atlantis...
and don't forget that the fish need a site to flood all land provinces.
Hall of living mirrors- S0, unique
An astral mage mey entre to summon a 1 heath ethereal duplicate of himself. there is a chance of caster being feebleminded by the madness of the hall. Summoned duplicates are not commanders.
Unus vocis. Unus manus. Unus Universitas. Unus Deus. Is est meus fatum praeeo pro totus populus.
Ut est meus fortuna.

December 6th, 2005, 10:45 PM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
Ok, so for balance purposes, add a site which is a dyke that can be breached to convert the land province into a water province.

December 10th, 2005, 04:32 AM
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Re: New Game: Fun Sites
Here's one for scenario design:
[Invasion Portal (noncompete): The idea here is that one (or more) nation can draw its national troops only from special portal sites scattered over the map. That nation's goal is to locate and capture as many of these portals as possible--perhaps such portals create a fortification when the designated nation captures them. This might be especially interesting if the invader has stealth troops and can conduct its searching and first part of its campaign in secret.]
This might suggest a #nofort command to prevent the portal nation from building forts of its own (in order to keep a reliance on the portals).
Perhaps special item "keys" might be added to allow invasion portals to be activated or deactivated.
Say, in a really weird mod, the Warhammer universe invades the Forgotten Realms...
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