Now I'm kinda pissed at myself for buying what I thought was Season 2. I found it at BestBuy.
I actually haven't seen a single episode of the current season. I screwed up my Tivo settings [bliss](Tivo... ah, Tivo!)[/bliss] and recorded over the premier. Not wanting to spoil it, and knowing I could get it on DVD later, I refrained from watching any of it. That was TOUGH! I was suprised that the whole thing was only 3 discs but now I understand why... and I'm kinda pissed.
But I guess if the new episodes start again this week I'd better get watching!!

Youre right GK... we suck.

Aa Turam Empire
Geekdom is eternal... you will be assimilated... resistance is futile.
A+ Se GdY S++ Fr- C* Cs* Sf- Ai++ Au>M! M- Mp! S@ Ss+ R! Pw+ Fq++ Nd? Rp++ G++ Mm++ Bb-- L-- Tcp
'We, the weird, chasing the pointless, for no reason at all, have been finding out things that have no effect on anything important for at least a couple days and are now qualified to chase our tails to the merriment of all watching.'-Narf et al
"Of course, you don't want to be going about handing out immortality willy-nilly, that just wouldn't be responsible." -O'Shea