Game #2: Arcocephale vs. Mictlan at Siltrock (great map!)
I was going to go with Machaka but I decided what the heck and picked Arco. The combination of astral and nature looked fun. Picked Titan for pretender. Spent a lot on magic but specialized in only 3 schools. 5 dominion, don't remember the scales but I think I had magic 1. Decided I was going to get tons of spells and try some global enchants etc.
After getting used to arco's units and making some armies I put up gift of health which was neat. Killed the dragon at Siltrock which was a lot of fun. Once I took his province and could train Trogs, Mictlan was in a world of hurt along with all the remaining indies.
I don't know if it's just that Mictlan AI is weak or I dominated that much, but they hardly did anything the whole time except build armies. I made it a priority to take as much land as I could ASAP. Maybe that cuased them to turtle as they only took 5 indie provinces then entire game.
The only thing Mictlan ever did that cost me was casting over my enchantment Eyes of God or whatever (for seeing all the provinces)
I made it a point this time to have a prophet ASAP. Trained atleast 5 priests and built 4 temples. Did much better with dominion this time. Even though Mictlan didn't do much I think it would have been good enough to hold my own against a more aggressive dominion.
Went crazy with research. By the time it was over I had atleast lvl 5 in everything except blood. Built 3 big armies, loaded them with support mages & went right at Mictlan. The whole show was over in about 5 turns from there. There was 7 battles, 6 of which I won. The battle I lost was a stupid mission to see if my golem could kill their prophet who was lightly guarded on an island. The golem didn't quite live up to what I thought based on the items I gave him. He lasted a looong but didn't deal near as much damage as I thought. All the other battles were very easy. Think I only lost 20 something troops all told. I usually set up battle fortune+weapons of sharpness and then launched into attack magic.
Trogs are some bad dudes.

Spirit Helmet is nice too. Game was over at turn 49.

I hope the next game is much harder.

(and no horrors killed anyone this time lol)