Re: Dominions III Artificial Intelligence
Interestingly, the P=NP? problem will likely never be solved. The basic stucture of it is such that any proof will probably be unconstructive, i.e, it either is untrue, or it is impossible to proove whether it is right or not. The main problem in understanding this is that NP is NOT the same as non-P. a problem is NP if you can determine whether a proposed solution IS a solution in polynomial time. If someone could find an NP complete problem (that is one that if solved in polynomial time demonstrates that all NP can be)and solve it. the trouble is, if we find just 1 NP complete that is P, we have proved it, but no number of NP that do not =P will disprove it. The SAT gate of boolean computation is a very simple NP complete problem. If Illwinter can solve this, I, on behalf of all mathematicians from Euclid to the present, thank them.
But it won't happen. A minesweeper SAT gate would require all the computing power illwinter has at its disposal. Dominions3 would be impossible.
An'ya i Suotho,
Unus vocis. Unus manus. Unus Universitas. Unus Deus. Is est meus fatum praeeo pro totus populus.
Ut est meus fortuna.