Re: Masters Mod v1.51 update released
I was looking at the data file the other night, it seems it was the roman numeral was set to 0 on all three of them, same with the arcology-orbital tower-orbital ring. I'm not sure if you meant those to be upgradable.
I had a small issue with the image for the mega space yard, not sure if it was some bad images in my facility pack or not but it would give an error in the game if I tried to look at the facility, worked ok when I changed the image number. I'm going to update/reinstall my image pack to see if that fixes it, I'll let you knowif it was on my end.
I attacked an AI battlemoon last night that had 162 CSM V's and no multiplex tracking. I don't know if he isn't using it or hasn't reaserched it yet, but at this point in the game he should have it. I believe it was Cue Cappa but I forgot to wright it down, I'll check tonight.
I think there was one other thing, but I can't recal what it was. I should know by now I won't remember things if I don't write them down. I'll let you know tomorrow If I get to play tonight.