Allright, I'm going to be extremely thorough. I'm not talking-down, I'm just trying to leave nothing unsaid. OK... you have to know how to move units.
OK, I've loaded up the tutorial and selected J0, an AH-64. First things first, I don't want him reaction-firing at the self-propelled guns that I'm going to be searching for. So I hit the spacebar, and click on each weapon. They go from orange to cyan (well, red when the mouse hovers over them). That means they're disabled. Good, I click Continue. ***Actually no. I do this to J1 as well! He's the one who's been opfiring and ruining my plan!
Back on the map, I zoom out with the minus (-) key. There's a hill with Iraqi flags on it, so there should be plenty of targets over there for our demo. I clock just past the hill--that ought to get someone's attention! Sure enough, an SO-152 self-propelled gun (SPG) opens up with its puny 7.62mm machinegun. When the dust settles, I see 2 of those SPG's. Excellent, my demonstration can continue. I hit space, click on the 30mm Chaingun (verifying that it turns orange), and click Continue. Now I press the
T key on the keyboard--or click the icon with the crosshairs on the right-hand side.
A specialized screen opens up. My Apache has targetted the northernmost SO-152. Its status is Ready,Dug In. Cool. I have a 46% accuracy on it. OK. I press the
N key on the keyboard. I've targetted the other SO-152. Its status is exactly the same--not surprising, since it's the same distance away. I only know I've targetted it by the line on the screen going to it, instead of its neighbor. I verify by clicking on the first button under Target, it has an
N and a little arrow. Yup, that switches too. Cool. Let's say I want to target the lower one. I hit N again, then click on the T button. That returns to the normal screen. My target is now an SO-152. Well, as that's what both of the only thigns I've spotted so far are, let's fire to make sure I'm targetting the lower one. I press
f, and my pilot joyfully opens fire. A miss. Let's target the northern brother. T, N, T. Fire! Yup, the "animation" shows the norhtern borther's hex outlined in red on this miss. (This guy's getting chewed out back at base, I tells ya!)
You cycle through available targets with N and P, for Next and Previous. I walked through every step just to verify that I was giving every step exactly as it happens. Hope it helps!