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Old August 30th, 2006, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Turn 18
This month my Yogis, under the watchful eye of Asisa, discovered how to call Apsaras into the world. Apsaras are divine nymphs who dance for the gods. They can however be convinced to come down to this world if the proper incantation is known, and the appropriate magical gems are sacrificed. Now this ritual is known I am recalling Divya to the capital, because he is the only one who can cast this ritual.

I took over Caelum's last free province, although the resistance was stiffer than I thought it would be. I lost 4 men in the attack, though it is worth it because now Caelum only consists of a beleaguered few, huddled in their city, food running out, without hope of being saved. Devasura's preaching again succeeded in reducing the people's confidence in the false god of Caelum.

Ananda is building a temple, which is an expensive enough undertaking (400 gold) that I can recruit relatively few troops this turn. Asisa, now that her research has paid off, is heading south to patrol the border and look for magical sites along it. Anuprabha is doing the same kind of thing - patrolling and searching.

For the next few turns building temples is the most important thing. Since I haven't seen Caelum's god yet, it is possible that he/she is imprisoned in much the same way I am, in which case I may be able to destroy her people's faith in her before she escapes. It would be unfortunate to have to deal with a huge Manticore or Dragon in a few turns time. That could get ugly. So yes, preach to the people to change their ways, and who knows - maybe we can avoid a bloody end to this.

Here is the spell screen. The Spells in blue are national spells which are particular to the nation you're playing.

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Old August 30th, 2006, 10:44 PM

ioticus ioticus is offline
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Wow, surprised to see the summon elemental spells are now only Fire 1, Air 1, and Earth 1. Should lead to some nice elemental spam.
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Old August 31st, 2006, 01:27 AM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

ioticus said:
Wow, surprised to see the summon elemental spells are now only Fire 1, Air 1, and Earth 1. Should lead to some nice elemental spam.
Yep, that's quite suprising.

Apsaras eh, can we get a screenie when you summon them? And what are those "Amphiteres"?

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Old August 31st, 2006, 01:45 AM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Turn 19
Everything Quiet. Ananda built a temple, and immediately the devotion to the false god of Caelum went down in the province. Devasura is continuing to preach but has not yet swayed public opinion decisively, even though unrest is very high. Asisa has arrived on the front line and is deploying her troops and searching for magic sites. The next few turns are playing the waiting game - building temples and preaching, and watching my dominion slowly grow. After this I will turn my attention to T'ien Ch'i.
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Old August 31st, 2006, 01:51 AM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Nerfix said:
Apsaras eh, can we get a screenie when you summon them?

And what are those "Amphiteres"?
They are flying serpent-things which breathe poison
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Old August 31st, 2006, 01:53 AM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Turn 20
Caelum once again sent a flock of hawks to attack my border province with T'ien Ch'i! And once again they were beaten off handily. Also, an ill omen was seen (allegedly) in Caelum's capital, and some of my troops were cursed! I think the ill omen was more for him than me - as in 'you are soon going to all be dead'.

Divya has made has way back to the capital and is setting up the ritual to call some Apsaras. Ananda is building another temple adjacent to Caelum's capital. Everything else is quiet.

Below is a map showing the extent of my empire, including the Caelian capital under siege.

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Old August 31st, 2006, 09:11 AM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Hmm, have you considered snatching some neutral provinces to help your war efforts? Or is it not worth it?

Also, do you plan to use the harvested blood slaves for something?

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Old August 31st, 2006, 12:04 PM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Yeah, I am going to take those remaining indys now that I have Caelum boxed up.

re. blood slaves, I don't really have specific plans for them just yet... Maybe I will try to forge something fun later on.
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Old August 31st, 2006, 12:06 PM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Turn 21
Three beautiful Apsaras answered the call and are being entertained in the palace as we speak. Being basically dancing girls they aren't really armed per se, though they have a strong aura of awe (+3) and tend to inspire the (male) Yavanas to do great deeds in battle. I told Divya to do the ritual again.

False belief went down in the province I just built a temple in, but true belief in me has not increased in the other temple province. It seems they need time to make a decision about which god they will follow. Worse still, belief in this false god of the Caelians actually went up in their home province! This despite Devasura's eloquent and rational explanation of why it would be a better idea to serve and follow me!

Ananda is moving into the last province that is adjacent to Caelum's capital to build a temple there. Hopefully these temples will encourage a wise course of action (namely following me).

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Old August 31st, 2006, 12:38 PM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Turn 22
Caelum AGAIN sent hawks against the same border province. Clearly Caelians are a little mentally challenged, either that or the hawks really love that one province. Needless to say I drove them off easily. They also sent hawks against another province, which was slightly less well defended, but thankfully my militia did their job and managed to make the hawks fly away.

Divya called up a few more Apsaras. I recruited a new Yaksha (Arana) to take them and the reinforcement Yavanas down to fortify the line. I think I wil leave an Apsara or two in each squad, to motivate the soldiers to do their best.

Asisa found a very helpful site in her searching that had eluded others: Rustwater. It looks to be some kind of Geyser which produces magical water, earth and fire gems.

Ananda is building a temple. belief in the false god went down in the province I built a temple in last month, but other than that no change.
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