
September 23rd, 2006, 10:56 AM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
Found a new bug/feature last night. When setting construction queues to repeat build in the queue settings tab the first ship will be built in the normal time (3 turns for the frigate I designed) and then all subsequent ships of that design are built in 1 turn. Once this ship is removed from the queue build time reverts to the standard. As long as one instance of the ship remains in the queue more can be added at 1 turn each.

September 23rd, 2006, 12:21 PM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
The combat hull bonuses are not being applied, it's a known bug. The AI could use some design optimization. Although some of the AI races are wimpy - others seem to be a lot more aggressive in attacking.

September 23rd, 2006, 02:01 PM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Colonisers have unlimited speed!. I have a coloniser, that has orders to move to PlanetX and colonise. I cancell its orders, then order to colonise the same planet again. It moves 1 hex towards the planet, though it has 0 movement points left!
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] drones have unlimited supplies! Few of my drones has croees 5-6 systems without losing a single supply point. And no, I do not have a resuply depot in any of the systems.
EDIT- And now the most insane bug: altering constant 'Starting Game Date' in Settings.txt it is possible to bypass 100 turns limit.

September 23rd, 2006, 03:35 PM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
Ha Ha - I knew the changing the starting game date would work for bypassing the 100 turn demo limit!

September 23rd, 2006, 03:39 PM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
Really? I tried this and the game still stopped working at 100 turns. Actually the turn limit message came up at turn 101. What did you change the starting date to?

September 23rd, 2006, 04:33 PM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
Actually I am at the turn 20 right now(2402.0). I cange that date to 23922, restart SEVd, and get message of 100 turn limit after 2 turns (2402.2=2392.2=10.0). I didn't try that for 2410.0 (didn't go that far yet), but if you set starting date at 24099, you should be able to keep playing extra turns, as the game will think you are currently at turn 1.

September 23rd, 2006, 05:37 PM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
Look, I'm gonna' be honest: I ain't reading through twenty-plus pages of stuff to see what's been brought up and what hasn't, so I'm just throwing out my observations in full.
With that out of the way, things I've noticed:
I like what was done with the new background music, especially the opening theme...but it got cut really, REALLY badly at the end there.
When making a new empire, pressing Escape when you have a list window open for stuff like names, physiologies, and the like causes you to cancel out of the whole creation process outright instead of the window you opened.
The Home Planet Name system in empire creation doesn't seem to do a thing.
At the end of turn warning, the game doesn't recognise that I don't HAVE intelligence points to spend and still says I have 100% of them to deploy.
When looking at the specs of units on planets like weapon platforms, everything seems to look like a crew quarter componant in the micro-diagram they have. There's also a bad stutter you get when you look at anything like that in the main screen.
It seems that the game doesn't automatically keep so-and-so colonists on a plnet if the number a colony ship can carry exceeds the number on the planet when making its departure on send-colonizer mode. I accidentally exported the entire population of a planet when sending out a few ships for expansion.
No custom ship types during design? Not even a greyed-out button?
Loading up the game with a custom-tailored empire gets me an error when accessing the empires directory. Granted, I've been playing ONLY with custom empires, so I'm not sure if this is custom-only or widespread.
General graphics problems when you alt-tab, static pictures get all garbled and remain that way until the game is reset.
As far as stupid little things go:
"Bomblet missiles"? That's just not right.
Gamma pulse missiles do normal damage, but shield depleters (which use gamma radiation rays) only cause shield damage?
The view controls for 3D systems feel REALLY slow.
In stuff like Research and Intelligence, the arrows don't do auto-incrimintation if you hold it down. I guess it's sort of a stupid thing to notice especially with the sliders, but still something you might want to think about.
Plasma missiles represent drones in the R&D screen, which seems rather odd. Not very big, but still an annoying little niggle.
Oh, yeah, running on XP Home SP2, DX 9.0c, GeForce 4000 MX, 512 mB RAM, AMD Athlon 3000+

September 23rd, 2006, 06:11 PM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
EDIT- And now the most insane bug: altering constant 'Starting Game Date' in Settings.txt it is possible to bypass 100 turns limit.
It doesn't - if you change the start date all your save games stop working, and the game will always stop 100 turns after the start date.
"Why the blazes didn't we utilise the abandoned Martian War Machines to retain Empire? I demand immediate resignations."

September 23rd, 2006, 06:47 PM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
Yah, I changed start date to 2500.3 something'ish and after 100 turns I got the demo message thingy. I even used a program called Cheat-o-matic to change the date in-game on the fly, and even that didn't yield any positive results. So I suspect there's some code that keeps track on the amount of turns the game has processed, totally independant of what the Current Date thingy says.

September 24th, 2006, 04:18 AM
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Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
Got somethin' new for 'ya.
Was dicking around a few minutes ago in the space simulator testing out station designs and had a nice fight going between a fleet of my current frigates and the stations in question. It was going at 8X and there was a lot going on, and then these came up:
and I was forced to right-click>close the demo.
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