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Old October 10th, 2006, 04:51 PM

DominionsFan DominionsFan is offline
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Default Re: My problems with the demo

Well I sorta agree with the OP. Maybe 3 nations / 3 eras / 60 turns limit would be the best settings for an upgraded demo, if there will be a new demo release. That way the "Hm...I try out the demo before Im gonna order the game" lads would've been more satisfied.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: My problems with the demo

I'm sure in a patch there will be a return of the "hide researchers" hotkey, because showing the names of the nations with [tab] is redundant; the [8] key does the same thing!

As for the AI, I have not noticed any improvements other than the ability to build castles, however I have also not run across any really stupid spell-casting except with regards to astral mages and communion master/slave. That spell should be DISABLED for the AI, please. When a lone astral mage chooses to communion master or slave (let alone, both!), something in the algorithm is broken.

Manual is fantastic, even with quite a few typos.

Ages system is very cool, but I'm not sure what you think you're missing. The nations are very different from age to age. Just knowing that there are another ~50 nations out there that you haven't played yet should be enough knowledge that the game has an extreme shelf-life. The only exception I've run across is early and middle Mictlan who are copies of each other, except that middle age spreads dominion with temples and prophet like other nations. It's like someone ran out of ideas when working on Mictlan.

Why do you need to get your hands on all the new spells? I'm sure there are some new spells available in the demo. Just knowing that there are n more spells than in DomII is telling enough. If you want to use all the spells in the game....buy the game. I will tell you that I haven't noticed any revolutionary spells added, like what people saw between DomPPP and DomII. It seems mainly that summoning was made a lot more fun and unique depending on which nation you play, sans Broken and Ashen Empire who are just like before (if it ain't broke, don't fix it).

It's really inter-relationships between all of these nations (new content made this possible) in the ages that makes the game worth it. For example, you wouldn't notice from playing middle age right away that it's different from early age. However, once you get deeply into a game with a bunch of middle age opponents, it will feel very different in perspective. In this way, it is nothing like DomII. I would say it's like playing Axis & Allies on a new game board with different nations, but mostly the same rules (maybe a few streamlined updates across the board). If you liked DomII, you won't dislike Doms3. Maybe your expectations are just very high because of all the wish-list compiling you've done in the past. I've done a similar thing with other games, and it ruined those games for me.

=$= Big J Money =$=
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Old October 10th, 2006, 06:36 PM
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Default My problems with the demo


perhaps some of you remember me (I hope halfway fondly) from the dom2 community, I was quite active there up until about 20 months ago, when my Oglala mod caused me a burnout and real life hampered my ability to engage myself with such vigor in dominions anyway. I had also spent quite a lot of time compounding wishlist wishes for dom3 (mostly those dealing with the topic "interface") as well as carrying out intensive and, as was told by a few board members, fairly comprehensive polls for dom3.

In any case, I have been checking up on dom3 progress now and then, and posted here ( my little post ) once about my confusion regarding the pre-order release news. As you can imagine, I am probably the only dominions2 "fan" who did not preorder dom3. I really needed to wait for the demo. (Many of you may think me strange, or callous, just for that.) So perhaps I belong to one of Illwinter's main target groups for the release of the dom3 demo (unlike the rest of the fans, who preordered or who will be buying the game anyhow), which the following addresses.

I'd like to note first that what confused me about the pre-release notes was the main gist of what appeared to be valued as the marketing "hook". Dom3, I was even sure of it then, was going to be a fine game -- but was it really *new* in comparison to dom2? The pre-order news disapointed me in that regard, because none of the features for which I was most actively wishing and those which seemed to get most priority in the wishlists and in the polls were mentioned. I was told (quite legitimately) that this did not mean that those features would not be in the game. Fine. But it did mean that they were not felt noteworthy enough to mention in the pre-order release news. Hence I did not preorder. (But please note that I also did not indulge in pre-judging the contents of what is now dom3 and have remained silent.)

Now the demo is here -- and frankly, I am confused yet again. The demo is not, of course, primarily for that fan base which already pre-ordered. So please read what follows from the perspective of someone who has followed the news but who has not played the full game or the beta.

If the demo is for anybody, it is for those who just heard about dom3 (perhaps from Shrapnel's site, perhaps from the GC2 boards or elsewhere) or for people like me, sitting on the fence and wondering to which side we shall be swayed: to buy or not to buy.

Let me cut right into media res:
In the demo, I found many things I liked. (Here is a small list: I liked the updated random system, the little damage-indicators in battles, some of the new interface options such as resizing commander buttons, and the dormant/imprisoned options in pretender creation). But I didnt see many of the things people had hinted at.

The pre-order release news hinted at many things -- things I did not want, as I mentioned above, but perhaps nice-sounding things nonetheless -- which the demo simply does not demonstrate, BUT which it COULD (and should). I feel greatly let down by the *combination* of the 40-turn limit, the research-level limit, and the early-age-only limit. This is why:

When asking (in my above-mentioned thread) what it actually is which makes dom3 new, improved, and different from dom2, I heard, mainly, this:
- more spells, units, nations
- the 3-ages system
- better AI
- improved interface
- tutorial and manual

I was never really greatly interested in the "more [of the same]", since I found dom2 had spells I never saw used and units that were never purchased -- I was much more interested in other things (which were listed and commented upon in the Wishlist thread, no need to repeat things here). Since I was not expecting improved graphics or sound, I am also not in the least bit disappointed that these have remained pretty much as they were.
Still, I was keen on seeing what dom3 turned out to have, that is: a balanced "ages" system and better AI, and of course a better interface.

- Since a manual only comes with the full game, I will only be able to judge that when I see it. (And surely many things will be explained.)
- I will also have to reserve judgement on the AI until I have done better testing, but my initial experience shows it to be improved in the sense that I have now seen it build a castle once. That is great. Otherwise, the AI seems very similar to that of dom2, both tactically (still odd choices of spells cast, still see missile troops charge blatently to their death, etc.) and in particular strategically: It is still infuriating to see a powerful AI with much resources at its command squander them in fruitless attacks against the wrong provinces with the wrong "combination" of troops (continually sending many valuable commanders such as prophets or even a pretender with few troops against my best-defended provinces, while it has tons and tons of troops elsewhere it could have used in those battles to protect those commanders, etc.).
- Most of the spells I was unable to see, since the demo has a 40-turn cap and research limit. (I find this self-defeating for a demo, that is my main point I wish to make in closing, see below.)
- The ages system remains, for those using the demo, shrouded in mystery, since only the Early Ages were visible. (I find this, again, self-defeating for a demo, see below.)
- The interface: While many of the options I was able to find via the "?" key seemed quite useful (such as hiding the right menu, resizing the commander buttons -- nice touch!), the new interface seems more cluttered. The income box is almost illegible to my poor eyes. Apparently, hitting the "tab" bar now gives me the names of the provinces (why do I want that?) instead of hiding researchers, which is a shame. What I miss most is the "i" key, which used to give me province information. While I do get a pop-up window with some province info now without that key, I get no information on that province terrain. While I wasnt expecting all or even most of what I felt were humble interface improvement suggestions to be included in dom3, it seems like none of the ones to which I was looking forward were included at all. Particularly: being able to enter the troop allocation screen (t) when viewing the commander in the main map (that was my biggest gripe) or being able to change, in the game setup screen, the costs for certain spell types (most notably: ritual summons) or different combinations of VPs. The worst new change in SP is for me the automatic resolution of a turn when "e" is hit. In dom2, one had to hit "host", which didnt seem like too much to ask; now, if one accidentally hits "e", the entire turn is hosted -- argh! This is a great drawback for SP. The + and - keys dont seem to work for me in the demo, but perhaps that is just a minor glitch.

(There are some other minor disturbances the game yielded for me, such as
- When playing with more than 1 human (I set up a game with all 5 playable nations as humans to compare), it takes at least 5 seconds for me between hitting "e" and accessing the "play a nation" screen -- what is going on there?
- Pretender building: while having fixed castle types does seem to make sense, I did miss the option in pretender building. What I really missed most, however, was the miscellaneous options (such as restless worshippers). Were they deemed unfit?
- the pale ones are all amphibian; the nation overview listed in nation choice indicates that they are "poor amphibians", which makes sense. As it is, they seem to be at least as aquatic as atlantis, and that seems very out of place. Either that, or there is no differentiating between poor amphibian and amphibian.
- I really miss Machaka -- but perhaps they will make an appearance as a later form of one of those races I can see in the demo...?
But this all belongs to a post about dom3 and not the demo, excuse me, I shall remain silent here.)

This is my main point: If Shrapnel were really worried about people abusing the demo instead of purchasing the full game, they should have restricted its use to 3 or so nations FOR ALL AGES, but removed the research level cap and increased the turn cap to at least 60. Otherwise, the very features it should "demonstrate" remain undemonstrated. The age system as well as many of the miscellaneous features remain hidden. That is self-defeating for a demo.

And thus, unfortunately, I will have to await, slumbering or perhaps imprisoned, the call to awaken – perhaps until the demo is updated, perhaps until the game’s price is reduced, or perhaps I can see some of these features via a miraculous “scrying” spell of 4-th level research or under.

I would like to continue to support Dominions and Illwinter and Shrapnel (some of whose other games I like too). I do not want this thread to be mistaken for a thread primarily about constructive criticism of Dominions3 – although I admit that I have included some of that in here. It is about the demo. The demo is simply not demonstrating the main features it should be demonstrating, and it could do so by changing the research cap, turn cap and (if necessary by restricting nation choice from 5 to, say, 3 or even 2) age cap.

Thank you for listening.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 07:29 PM
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Default Re: My problems with the demo

> "What I miss most is the "i" key, which used to give me province information. While I do get a pop-up window with some province info now without that key, I get no information on that province terrain"

I'm glad that's what you miss the most. All info from that screen is available on the main screen instead. Dominion and province terrain have icons in the top left box. Personally I find it much more convenient to see it without having to open the 'i' window.

I hope you get awakened sometime
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Old October 10th, 2006, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: My problems with the demo

In my opinion, it was a bad idea to place the demo in Early age, because it doesn't show the variety available.

- poor missile troops
- no crossbows. Crossbows are interesting because of their power, which comes at a price. Bow/crossbow duels etc.
- generally very poor protection on units.
- very few cavalry units. What's the most important is the lack of lances, which are cavalry's selling point. If I remember correctly, indy HC has lances, but most players won't realize that.

EA units seem to be largely lightly armored melee. Doesn't sound very tactical to me.

By the way, this sounds like a serious problem. Doesn't happen to me, perhaps because I install all third-party apps locally. (K)Ubuntu 6.06

). I found it on Happypenguin.org

It ****s up your KDE! To fix KDE after installing the Demo, do this:
open a console
go to ~/.config/menus
type "locate applications.menu" and press enter
The output should list an applications.menu file somewhere in /etc or where KDE is installed on your system. If no output happens, run "updatedb" as root and try again
now open the file ~/.config/menus/applications.menu with a text editor
There should be a line reading <MergeFile type="parent">/etc/kdg/menus/applications.menu</MergeFile>
replace that path with the output from "locate applications.menu"

Logout of KDE and login again. This fixed KDE for me.
Sorry guys, no sell to me with such a ****up. I just might have bought the game even though I'm unhappy with combat (which I might be wrong about after all, but who can tell after 40 turns?)
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Old October 10th, 2006, 08:12 PM

Archonsod Archonsod is offline
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Default Re: My problems with the demo

tinkthank said:
- Pretender building: while having fixed castle types does seem to make sense, I did miss the option in pretender building. What I really missed most, however, was the miscellaneous options (such as restless worshippers). Were they deemed unfit?

For the most part they're now incorporated into the nations. For example, IIRC EA Abysia's domain spreads heat.

- the pale ones are all amphibian; the nation overview listed in nation choice indicates that they are "poor amphibians", which makes sense. As it is, they seem to be at least as aquatic as atlantis, and that seems very out of place. Either that, or there is no differentiating between poor amphibian and amphibian.

Not sure if this is a bug or not. Pale One's are amphibious, and they can recruit an aquatic troop (wet one's). I don't know if they're meant to be poor amphibians, or whether it's referring to the fact that they only have one true aquatic troop available (barring indeps)

- I really miss Machaka -- but perhaps they will make an appearance as a later form of one of those races I can see in the demo...?

They're available in the Middle Era. Don't think they have a predecessor or sucessor.

This is my main point: If Shrapnel were really worried about people abusing the demo instead of purchasing the full game, they should have restricted its use to 3 or so nations FOR ALL AGES, but removed the research level cap and increased the turn cap to at least 60.

I kind of agree. To my mind, they should have either opened up all nations and kept a turn and research cap, or restricted it to 3 nations (perhaps one in each era?) and a research cap. Restricting both turns and the nations doesn't really give you much sense of the game, especially if your a returning Doms 2 player. I guess for a newcomer you can get a sense of how the game works, but even then it's somewhat limited.
It's back to the niche market thing I guess. With the demo restricted as it is, your looking at an audience who are looking for precisely this sort of game, and just need the re-assurance of the limited demo to see that Dominions is just the type of game they're looking for.
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Old October 11th, 2006, 03:36 AM
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Default Re: My problems with the demo

Well, thanks for those replies. Of course I did not expect a slew of them, especially considering my slightly sceptical view (and probably no one remembers me anyhow).


> "What I miss most is the "i" key, which used to give me province information. While I do get a pop-up window with some province info now without that key, I get no information on that province terrain"

I'm glad that's what you miss the most. All info from that screen is available on the main screen instead. Dominion and province terrain have icons in the top left box. Personally I find it much more convenient to see it without having to open the 'i' window.

One point I must correct: I SEE NOW (and for the first time) that there IS terrain information on the map, it is that tiny little icon on the main info window! Christ, I missed that. So now I miss the "i" button much, much, much less.

Still, although I am sure your game is a good one, I will have to wait a bit, as the demo version 3.00 (called "ascension wars", btw!) did not do it for me for the reason listed above.
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