MarkSheppard said:
Well, for me it depends; was it a fairly serious project, as in it got detailed technical work done on it; or was it just getting paper dirty?
I haven't put anything that wasn't used operationally into my Vietnam Pack. However, there are a few things where the actual numbers of the type of unit used were under 5.
I have nothing against creating projected weapons or mockups, in fact I think with all the icons floating around it might be fun to make a custom set filled with them, but with my primary training as an undergrad having been as a historian I'm more disposed to think in terms of historical accuracy. What-ifs are withheld to near functional operations and deloyments, not whether they would have actually had the vehicles I assign them.
This is why I added in a one month
Mill Pond formation into my Total Conversion currently in progress, because the aircraft were armed and ready to go when the mission was aborted.