Tortanick, I wasn't so much going for giving every last detail and listing every nation, as giving general ideas and guidelines, and leaving the rest open for interpretation/speculation. I'm not the one who's going to be implementing anything-for one, my name is Jonathan, not Kristoffer or Johan, and for another, I understand how programming languages work, but I suck at actual programming, and modding's exercise and tedium for me. The only computer language I ever learned even the basics of was, well...Basic. Ok and also HTML. As far as naming specific nations, and examining each one under the microscope, and then coming up with an overlying "theme" as such for the age, on top of that (microscope to macroscope), I just think it would be somewhat of a waste of time, without the counter-balance of being a lot of fun. I'd be honored ofcourse if Kristoffer and Johan read my ideas and were influenced by them, but I don't expect them to be, and I don't expect everyone else on the board to be waiting for me to come up with new imaginary nations that you can't play with anyway, for an "age" that doesn't even exist in the game. This is just fun for me, and I only take my postings as far as remains fun.

If someone wants to mod out something I come up with, let me know in one of the threads I post to, and I'll try to do my part (no promises though). Other than that, this is just an exercise in creative writing and imagination/speculation.