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Old October 16th, 2006, 02:01 PM
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Default TG\'s Sound Effect Mod for SE V (v1.01)

I am going to try and keep this thread "clean" so that the latest version and readme will always be posted here. If you have any comments, bugs, etc. please post them in the Shrapnel thread below.

Tampa_Gamer Sound Effects Mod v1.01
Space Empires V version 1.08 (but should be compatible backwards through v0.80)
October 19, 2006

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The sound system in Space Empires V is a bit more advanced than the one in Space Empires IV. Basically, it is separated into two groups - "\Music" and "\Sounds," each in its own subfolder off the main directory.

Music can be further broken into 4 categories: Title Songs, Main Songs, Combat Songs and Finale Songs. The number and file names of these songs are specified in the "\Data\Settings.txt" file which allows the user to replace or add new ones. Although the default music files are .mp3 files, it appears that .wav and .ogg files are also supported.

Sounds can be further broken into 4 categories: Explosions, Stellar, UI and Weapons. The file names for these sounds are specified in the "\Data\SoundEffects.txt" file and also given a "short name" which is then used in the data block for each component in the "\Data\Components.txt" file. This is actually a better method than SE4, since it allows sound mods like this one to create a new SoundEffects.txt file with different filenames for each sound effect (rather than modifying the actual Components.txt file which is usually the core of any given mod). The user can then freely use the sound mod with any other mod they like - even other sound mods since each sound mod should specify their own file names using their initials or some other identifier like I did in the sound file names. This will allow you to have mutliple sets of sound effects in your \Sounds directory. Switching between various desired sound effects is then easy to do by editing the filename in your Sound Effects.txt file using Notepad. If the user wants to return to the default sounds, they can just replace the SoundEffects.txt file with the original one.

One important thing to also keep in mind is that the "SoundEffects.txt" file is read at each load time. So it is fairly easy to test revisions to any mod and also substitute sound mods in the middle of a game.


Unfortunately, as one can see from perusing the default \Sounds folder (specifically the file dates) not much attention was given to the sounds during the SE5 development process. Most if not all the sound effects are from Space Empires IV Gold and StarFury. I have gone through the sounds and merged the ones I liked with my previous sound mod from SE4 as well as new ones I have been saving over the past 2-3 years. Some of the the racial-specific weapon sounds (like the acid globule, enveloping acid, etc.) are from the mod posted by Tenryu for SE4 and were created by C. Schaefer for Cyber Warrior and used with the permission of CyberWarrior, Inc. Other sounds have been obtained from other sources, but if the creator of any sound contained in this mod wishes at any time to have their sounds removed, contact me at the e-mail address below and the sound(s) will be promptly deleted. This sound mod is distributed completely free of charge.


(1) To install the mod, extract the files in the zip into your root Space Empires V directory (make sure to choose the "use folder" option). It should place a new "SoundEffects.txt" file and a backup of the original one in your "\Data" directory and place the new sound effect files in your "\Sounds" directory. This method will allow you to use any other mods you want (as long as that mod does not overwrite or use a new different "SoundEffects.txt" file in its mod directory.

(2) To remove the mod, simply delete the file "SoundEffects.txt" from your \Data directory and rename the "BackupSoundEffects.txt" file to "SoundEffects.txt." These two actions will result in all the original sounds being used in the game. If you also want to remove all traces of the sounds, go into the "\Sounds" directory and remove all sounds with the indentifier "_TG_" in them (should be grouped into each of the four categories if you sort by name).


(1) As of v1.05 the combat engine is very particular as to file size and format. Large sound files will bring the combat engine to a stuttering halt. Although I have painstakingly tried to make each file fit with the default one, I have not been able to test each combat sound thoroughly yet. So please report stuttering as you find it.


This mod will conflict with other mods that modify:
+ \Data\SoundEffects.txt


(1) Expand into the music (either as part of this mod or a separate mod) to greatly expand on the existing titles

(2) Since the 4 newer point defense components all use non-unique sounds, I would like to have them use unique sounds by changing the default Components.txt file. Since I don't want this mod to ever have its own unique Components.txt, and thus conflicting with almost every other mod out there, I will by trying to get Aaron to fix this in the default file to have it cross-reference new sound effects to creat the variety. Then in the default SoundEffects.txt have them use the same sounds they use now. This will allow sound modders to make unique sounds for those components without breaking other mods forcing use of a new Components.txt file.

(3) Create softer versions of the sound files for the "Small" branch of weapons instead of just using the same sound as the larger weapon version.


v1.01 (10/19/06)
+ Changed warp exit sound
+ Changed end turn sound
+ Restored warp sound "Effect Instances" to "1" to help with the warp loudness bug
+ Added "Mod Conflict Analysis" to readme file

v1.00 (10/12/06)
+ All sound effects conformed to at least Wave, PCM, signed, 16bit, stereo
+ Replaced ship design sounds, warning and other interface sounds (14)
+ Replaced/modified all explosion sounds (17)
+ Replaced warp point flash enter/exit sounds (2)
+ Replaced/modified all stellar manipulation sounds (21)
+ Replaced/modified all weapon sounds (63)
+ Modified combat sounds to 16/8 bit to fit original sound file size to avoid combat
stuttering which resulted when all sounds converted to 16bit stereo
+ Doubled (tripled in some cases) number of effect instances permitted


(1) You can find the most recent version of this Sound Mod over on the Shrapnel Games website at "http://www.shrapnelgames.com" and perhaps the Space Empires Universe website when they permit uploads >5mb.

(2) I would ask that this sound mod not be posted or used without first contacting me via the e-mail below.

(3) This mod will always be compatible with my Ground Combat Mod (coming soon) or AI Mods that I create in the future since it forms the core of my own personal mod setup.

As all of my mods are a continual work-in-process, please forward all tweaks, suggestions and bugs found to me at xxctraberxx@ngn-xxtampa.xxcom (remove xxx's for actual e-mail).

Have Fun!

Attached Files
File Type: zip 458335-TG_SoundEffectMod_v101.zip (15.60 MB, 855 views)
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Old October 19th, 2006, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: TG\'s Sound Effect Mod for SE V (v1.01)

Attached to this post is a patch from v1.00 to v1.01 for those that want it. Again, please don't post in this thread, but instead in the Shrapnel thread linked below.

Attached Files
File Type: zip 460227-TG_SoundEffectMod_Patch_v100tov101.zip (467.0 KB, 419 views)
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
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Old October 22nd, 2006, 10:57 AM
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Default Re: TG\'s Sound Effect Mod for SE V (v1.01)

I can't use this mod with those warps sounds so bloody loud.
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Old October 25th, 2006, 02:08 AM

Shadowstar Shadowstar is offline
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Default Re: TG\'s Sound Effect Mod for SE V (v1.01)

A quick fix for the warp sounds (stock or mod) is to just delete or rename the files in the sound folder:

I'd suggest renaming them, that way you still have the original files so you can restore them if you need to, but there shouldn't be any harm in deleting them either. This will prevent those sounds from playing.
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