Its a Indy Knight Revelution!
I'm playing MA Ulm on a Random Map. 7 AI empires, VP for Capitols only. 4 VP wins.
My empire has taken the the whole southwest quarter of the map. To the east is a large body of water, held by another empire. To the North I've engaged 3 other empires.
I sent half my army into the capitol of Pythia. I was repulsed but killed every troop there except his cyclops god (which is half dead now too). The rest of my army is fighting along the rest of the northern border.
Then TWO random events Indy Knight attack in my rear areas one turn followed by TWO more the next turn! OMG, my empire is shaken to it's core! It actually is fun, but my question is....
Is this really random? Seems so coordinated. I mean, it struck on a turn that I had taken severe casualties, hit provinces that only had 10 PD (I use 20 or 30 in front lines, 10 everywhere else), and formed a mini-empire of 4 provinces in the south, far from most my troops.