Re: SEV: Question: Attacker and Defender Columns..
I noticed it by accident *_*
I'm not entirely sure what stops a battle, but 5'ish minutes seem to be the hard limit. If the fleeing force has more movement speed than the pursuing force then it'll stop immediately after 20 seconds.
So, did that first battle, i.e. your fighters pursuing the colony ships, last 5 minutes? If the second battle did too, it could mean that your fighters didn't get within firing range of the colony ship(s) until the last minute of the second battle, therefor doing only minimal damage before the combat timed out. In the third battle your ships were already upon the colony ships and as such destroyed them quickly.
Find the 'Sector View' button on your System View panel, it's one of the small ones. When you go in there you can move your ships/units in the combat view without actually being in combat. In other words, you can place your ships right next to the enemy's and then start combat. This also works for placing satellites around warp points, etc.
Not sure what's wrong with fleets, really.