paradoxharbinger said:
out of curiousity, how did you come with 23 and 9.7?
From the lovely manual: the totals are, when divided by 10, the expected amount by which your Dominion should increase (barring outside influence, and barring "dom spread" being used to lower enemy dominion).
Each temple generates a temple check, which has a (max dom * 10)% chance of generating a dom increase. Your pretender generates an automatic increase, plus two temple checks. Your prophet generates a temple check (hence the numbers: 28 for the pretender, 9 for the prophet, 225 = 9*25 for 25 temples, 9 for the home province).
I guess 23 is supposed to be 225/9 (actually, that's 25), and 9.7 is supposed to be 225/28 (more like 8.7?)