Re: Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.
I think it is possible to beat them, but I think it will require MASSED damage casters (Which my nation lacks) and upper end summons with solid morale (Still a bit early in the game for that).
Its a bit early for me to do a Post Mortem of this game, but I made a few mistakes when dealing with the *heims. But I honestly do not feel if these mistakes were rectified, I would have stood much of a chance. I could have shaped my nation from the start to deal with double bless heims and I think I would still be in the exact same situation I am facing at the moment.
I am not mad at all, I don't blame these players for choosing strategies that are known game winners, rather than rolling the dice with their own strategies. Lack of originality is hardly an offence in online games, especially when your primary focus is winning at all costs. Some veterans talk about how you can beat them with this and this, if that were the case, most nations would be built in that fashion and the heims would be a non issue.