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Old November 15th, 2006, 08:38 PM
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Default Re: Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.

We accepted your peace, even to the point that we were initiating trade with you. Although it was roleplaying, I said I was not going to attack Neifelheim again. You made out like you wanted peace and you know very well I accepted it, then you realized... LAWLZ, I GOT 30 GIANTS AT HIS BORDER, TO HECK WITH PEACE, WE WILL SAY HE LIED ABOUT TRADING AND WANTS TO WARZ LAWLZ.

It's one thing to roleplay, it's another to try to spin a person's OOC actions. This is just a game, so I refuse to criticize your character, but please quit trying to discredit the OOC player by saying I told you this, and then did that.

Here is the bottom line as displayed by your actions...

You are open to peace and negotiations until you realize you can take people's provinces, then all that you have said is void.

You spin it with the other players by saying "He did this, he did that".

To ensure that the 1% chance that you could lose does not happen, you hold hands with vanheim.

The above is your playstyle in a nutshell.

Now so the players do not have to go through the posts to see what I am talking about...

I said:

To the peoples of Neifelheim,

A battle to the south of the Kingdom of Pangaea was fought, and it is worth noting that this battle has made us a stronger kingdom although many centaur were lost. The battle prowess of the giants is simply incredible, and although their numbers were drastically depleted, we will not be invading the old Ermor lands again. These wounded Giants will be allowed to return home to their Mountain Kingdom if they can find a way through the surrounding Vanheim lands. This Decision has been made by the Centaur Cohort of Pangaea, and the Pan will not go against us on this for they respect our decisions most of all in times of war.

Amphious, Heirophant and Cohort leader.

You said:

I think the last events that lead to the attack of my port by the Kingdom of Pangaea from an another continent where part of a missunderstanding. I state again to the world and to the panii, that I do NOT wish war with them. "My numbers were drastically depleted", as Pangaea's king (or thane or warchief or despot... ) said earlier. I bring the world of peace to their capital with 3 chosen priests (who made their name know in the field of negociations and peace making). Their escort will consist only a few servants, not more then a few giants and a handfull amazon horseman to lead the way in the lands, since my giants tend to loose the road in those lands. I hope you will not attack them, and our peace negotiations can start.

Then in a private message that I will not repeat here, we initiated a trade agreement.

Then the very next turn you attacked me, and brought a friend to ensure victory.

So cut the crap and lets get this over with. Try to keep the rest of the spin and discrediting in character, which I absolutely don't mind.

If you want peace like you say you do, I will reiterate, remove your forces from Pangaea lands. If you do not want peace, keep your diplomacy in character to the rest of the players, not OOC lies.

We have already offered you peace, and we even thought we were at peace until you realized what kind of military advantage you had.
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Old November 15th, 2006, 11:16 PM
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Default Re: Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.

Foodstamp said:
but please quit trying to discredit the OOC player by saying I told you this, and then did that.
You told me "I am willing to trade 50 nature gems for 50 death gems." in private message, recieved 11/13/06 09:49 PM, with topic GEM trade. I sent you the first 25 death gems, but I had not the remaining 25 more, but I was sure that I will have that amount within 2 turns. So I told you that the rest of the payment will be sent after I recieve the nature gems. Then when you saw that your forces where no match for the giants you said, that only 25 nature gems was agreed. I said that that WAS NOT the agreement. But newer told anyone, nor wrote that you where dishonouring the trade.

If you want peace like you say you do, I will reiterate, remove your forces from Pangaea lands.
This means peace with Pangaea. But I hope this is not a trick to gather forces or assassins or something similar. If we make peace we make it for at least 6 mounts. I ask no monetary (or magical) compensation for my lost troups. I even offer you the province of Anodyr (103), one of the provinces next to your capital. I remove all my forces from it in this order. In exchange for that province, I ask the province of Starko (93). (I think it is logical that I wish to keep those 2940 gold worth giants, that would be useless without Starko under my control.)

Finally you will agree, that you will NOT attack any of my provinces, (except 103) and you DO NOT join any alliance that has members who are in war with me. Moreover, you will not attack R'lyeh or C'Tis, only if they attack you first, or if they state in the forum that the peace and trade agreement with them is invalid.

Thanks again for accepting the peace.

R'lyeh is a peace-loving nation bearing you no ill will. We have no interest in the military affairs going on in the lands east of our aquatic realm and, as long as you do not attack our holdings, we are happy to accept a peace and trade arrangement.
We, the Sons of Winter are glad to greet our aquatic friends.
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Old November 15th, 2006, 11:45 PM
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Default Re: Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.

The trade was initiated as part of our forging a peace between our two nations. You cannot expect a nation to send you 50 gems on the turn that you break the peace and you have only sent 25.

Most nations in my position would not have even honored a 1 to 1 trade after you attacked them, much less send you 50 for 25 and expect you to live up to your end of the bargain.

Pangaea cannot have peace until the forces of Neifelheim and the forces of Vanheim are moved out of our territory. This territory includes all our former holdings on the northern continent.

I want to make this clear to Neifelheim...

When you are dispelled from our lands or move out on your own accord, we will not venture south to the southern continent. At this time we will discuss NAPs or other agreements.

To Vanheim, this statement holds true for you as well. When Vanheim is removed from Pangaean lands, we will discuss the possibilities of a NAP if your even interested in such talks .
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Old November 16th, 2006, 12:15 AM

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Default Re: Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.

Um, now that I am banished, do I have to keep playing my turns? I know that sounds stupid, but the game didn't actually say "thanks for playing, you're done now" or anything like that, and it still gave me a view of what was in my castle province.

Also, my army routed before the battle even began. I've never seen anything like that before and have no idea why. How can armies even rout when they are inside a fortress? What, is there some kind of back door they can run out? I think fortresses should be defended to the death. No routing. They are giant stone buildings enclosed by walls that are currently being sieged by an enemy. Where do they rout to?

Finally, thanks for the info on the blitzes. I'd try it tonight but I just got Medieval II: Total War yesterday and, well, y'know. I'm bummed I can't play the Byzantines though. That's like 90% why I bought the game. I'm sure I'll be spending equal time with DomIII in a week or so
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Old November 16th, 2006, 04:38 AM
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Default Re: Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.

To Pangaea,
As you see our troops fare rather well behind your lines - opposite to your troops which originally sneaked into our lands in attempt to spread ill. So this party is doing just justice as you were the third nation to attack Vanheim.

First attacker the Ermor we dealt swiftly and Niefelheim helped us without invitation. They even took the Ermorean capital before we could attack the province. This forced us to give Niefelheim the port from which they now efficiently maul Pangaea.

Second attacker, the Atlantis has managed to flee under the waves after they had done considerable harm to our plans retaliating the Ermors attack. Atlantis should consider repaying the damages but we have heard nothing from them.

Fourth attacker was Niefelheim but we decided to negotiate with them instead of force and luckily this way we avoided bloodshed between us two.

Fift attacker against Vanheim is surprisingly Caleum. They now plunder our provinces. This attack came as surprisingly as all four before. But furthermore we thought we had rather warm relations with them.

Now the situation is this: Vanheim has never been the first to attack anyone and Vanheim never will. Right Now we have plenty to do with dealing with Caleum.

Jörund, the Slayer of Infidels and the prophet of the True God

P.S. Lore of Vanheim does not remember as ruthless time as it is now. Never have been so many nations attacking us.

P.P.S. Archives of Eldergate do tell of more turbulent times and Vanir scholars are eager to learn from those archives as the nation we conquered seems to have knowledge. It was an old civilization before the turmoil and decadency of the Pangaea corrupted its leaders.
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Old November 16th, 2006, 04:43 AM

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Default Re: Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.

Once you are defeated you don't play any more turns. You get the final turn so you can see your final battle (or whatever happened that eliminated you). But, there is nothing for you to do, and the game will not wait for you any more. Many players set themselves to AI rather than wait to be vanquished, but I guess Gaius Julius Carulus really did stay to defend the city to the death.

It's too bad he wasn't a commander, though Your troops will rout if you have no commanders in the fort to lead them. Otherwise, they can't rout until something happens to them. On a related note, if you try to break siege and fail, any troops that routed will go into neighboring provinces if possible and die if not possible. They won't go back into the fort, and if you didn't leave someone behind inside the fort, it will be immediately captured.

Troops routing defending a fort is silly, but that's how the game works. It's actually possible for them to rout into neighboring provinces, or at least it was in dom2 - talk about frustrating for the sieging player. Of course, in your case, that won't matter.

One other note - and this is for everyone - if you happen to be the last one to take your turn, the host will generate a new turn immediately, and it's good form to stick around and play your new turn too. You'll see this happening from the network screen right after you upload. (Anyone who's played Dom2 with me knows I'm not exactly a golden example of this principle... but still...)
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Old November 16th, 2006, 05:12 AM
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Default Re: Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.

To Vanheim,

We never attacked you. You uncovered an exploration force meant for other lands with your patrolling forces. If we declared war on every nation we uncovered in our lands, we would be at odds with several nations.

Fourth attacker was Niefelheim but we decided to negotiate with them instead of force and luckily this way we avoided bloodshed between us two
^^ This gave me a good laugh.
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