Re: MP: Newbie Game EA (Open)
The fact that it took two of us to slowly defeat you, says a lot. And I thought you played really well. There was five times that the armies of Atlantis and Agartha fought.
The first time. We an army that i was sure could crush you. I carfeully gathered information on your troops, and compared them to mine. COnfident in victory I attacked, and what happened. You surprised me with 100+ magma children. I managed to win, but barely. That attack really devested me. I had to retreat out of that province after.
The second time I was prepared for fire elementals. I had the rain spell, commanders out front with fire resitance rings, and about 8 mages. And you wiped me out with earth elementals. And the way you had most of your troops in the back with the hold order, and the few fire elementals you had out front, caused all my scripted spells to be wasted on the fire elementals.
3rd time you attacked me and pushed me back out into the sea, which was smart. You atatcked before I was ready.I had a dumb setup there to. Telling my troops to hold while the PD attacks the enemy first might be a good strategy in the water. Against blade wind it is bad.
4th and 5th. Well this time I waited till I got a big enough , and you had already been weakend. And yeah, this time I was ready for you.
And congradualtions for planning to stand firm to the end. You are a most noble opponent.