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Old December 11th, 2006, 04:02 AM

Zebion Zebion is offline
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Default Re: The Trump Card

Pretty embarrasing loss I just suffered to Agartha. I didn't realize there was a bug with the terrain when sieging a Cave fort and approximately 1/3rd of my army could not fight and instead just kinda hung out in the bottom of deep ravines until they were killed at range by mages.

Can't say i'm to sad for that fact. In fact i'm highly glad Gives me a few more turns to live
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Old December 11th, 2006, 05:30 AM

LeSquide LeSquide is offline
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Default Re: The Trump Card

Like I said; Kailasa was the first player to get in touch with me, and the mutual defense pact was the first agreement I made. Saarud's right; diplomacy played a huge part here.
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Old December 11th, 2006, 08:31 AM
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Default Re: The Trump Card

Okey, I quit. That's final. Thanks for the game, the first part was great, and I learnt a lot from it.
I wish I could say it was a nice game, but it was not. This was ment to be a fun newbie game. That's the reason why I wanted no bless rush or anything similar. One cannot prohibit ganking, but in other multiplayer games (TBS, RTS, RPG, anything) when 3 people attack one very early in a free-for-all game where only one winner can be it's usually called cheap play.
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Old December 11th, 2006, 09:02 AM

Saarud Saarud is offline
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Default Re: The Trump Card

I made an alliance with Kailasa and when you and him went to war I honored our alliance as anyone should.
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Old December 11th, 2006, 02:01 PM
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Default Powerless

Flames licked the night sky from the torches some of us were carrying, not me though. I was getting too old and weak to hold something like that for so long. These last few years had weighed heavily upon the others and me. The C’tis Council all looked a little older to be truthful.

We were going into some field on the outside of the capital. Dingir said he had some great news to tell us all but insisted that we had to go outside. I don’t know why, none of us did. We were all suspicious to say the least. Why would he want the Council outside? Oh well, we needed the fresh air and exercise.

We managed to make out a platform with a podium ahead. It was difficult to see though. It was a foggy night, and although there was a full moon, it was getting cloudy. The Council all gathered in front of the podium eagerly awaiting this “amazing” news.

Dingir appeared out of the fog along with a Lizard Lord, several Sauromancers, and a human. The Prophet walked up to the podium and spoke.

"I am glad you could all make it here tonight. You will be the first C‘tissians of the public that get to meet the God of C‘tis, Sissassuss. Here he is."

The crowd starting whispering to each other as Dingir motioned to the human to take the podium. The God was a human. How could this be possible? I felt the anger rise in me as I am sure it was in every other Council member.

"Greetingsss C‘tissssian Counsssil! I am delighted that we have finally had thisss meeting. I wish I could bring you good newsss, but I am afraid that isss jussst not possssible. I have desssided that the Conclave isss more that sssufficient to run thingsss. Dingir here will be taking charge of domessstic, foreign, and religiousss mattersss. Namchadnessssar the Lizard Lord will be in charge of military affairsss. Finally, Ama’ushumgalanna the Sssauromanssser will deal with mattersss of magical importanssse. Thusss, we no longer have any ussse for any of you. The C‘tisss Counsssil isss hereby disssbanded. Goodbye."

We suddenly burst into angry shouts and start waving our torches around as the human and the others just stood on the platform. Fury was in the Council’s eyes, and I was about to jump on the platform and strangle the “God” himself. Then reason snuck into my head, and I knew something was up. Why were they just standing there?

My old ears picked up on a faint rattling sound. What was that? It started getting louder. The shouts lowered as other members heard it. Soon everyone was listening to the noise and trying to figure out what it was and it’s origin. It seemed to be coming from all around. One the Council members moved a bit away from the group, staring out into the ever-increasing fog. I saw the human make a slight movement with one of his hands, and all of our torches went out. Dark and foggy, all we could do was wait and see what the rattling was.

All of the sudden, I heard a thump, a scream, and saw a body flying over me. Everybody starts running in all directions. Screams of terror are everywhere. A flying body almost knocks me down. Some of the members get run over in the stampede. I duck just in time to avoid being hit in the head by a torso. I look around quickly and can not see what is causing this. It is too dark and foggy, just like Sissassuss wanted. I started running again and managed to separate myself from the other members. I stopped and looked back. I couldn’t see anything, but I could hear the screams. They were awful. I caught by breath and decided that I would try to make it back to the city. I turned around and there was a white blur. I flew back several feet and landed hard. Then, everything went black.
Learn about Lizard Chariots and Serpent Dancers in the Guide to EA C'tis
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Old December 11th, 2006, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: Powerless

I'm sorry to hear that you are dropping out so early. Others have stressed the importance of establishing relations with neighboring nations, but I'd like to suggest two other ways to encourage a fairer fight: playing a sea nation, and using bribery to split alliances.
If you plan on bribery, bribe heavy. If you die, you lose everything anyway.
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Old December 11th, 2006, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: Powerless

Peter, the same thing happened to Ermor last game, except you were the ganker instead of the gankee. Sorry to see you go but I guess in this instance it might have possibly been karma.
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Old December 11th, 2006, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: Powerless

Fellow nations, the Conclave has decided that it is time for another magic item offer. Some of the rules of the first offer remain, but there have been changes.

These are the rules for the new offer:
-we will forge as many items as a nation wants
-the nation must not have shown any hostilities toward C'tis (exceptions to this rule include Kailasa, Ermor, and Sauromatia, C'tis will not provide items to these nations)
-you may not receive the item immediately as there may be a large influx of orders but we will try to get them out ASAP
-any item up to very powerful magic item level requiring nature, astral, water, or death may be forged (this does not necessarily mean that we can forge all of those items, but we can forge some of them) note: we specialize in death items
-the Conclave will determine the number of gems we will require for an item
-gem payment must be received before any forging takes place

Now for those nations that have been specifically named, you might be curious as to why you have been singled out as none of you have been hostile to the Serpent Kingdom. The Conclave believes that empowering a triple alliance is one thing but empowering a triple alliance that will soon have nowhere to go except in the seas or over the mountain pass to reach the eastern lands is another. This is not a declaration of war. We are merely protecting the eastern nations' interests as well as our own. As the gatekeepers, we can not allow you to pass and will not enable you to do so.

Lizard King and Prophet of Sissassuss
Learn about Lizard Chariots and Serpent Dancers in the Guide to EA C'tis
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Old December 11th, 2006, 11:53 PM
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Default Re: Powerless

Note that the rules regarding gem payment amounts have been altered.
Learn about Lizard Chariots and Serpent Dancers in the Guide to EA C'tis
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Old December 12th, 2006, 02:49 AM

Zrave Zrave is offline
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Default Re: Powerless

I'm sorry that things turned out as they did, Peter.

It was not my intention to get in a war this early in the game, so I set up a non-agression treaty with you and defense pacts with Ermor and Sauromatia. Of course you couldn't have known that when you sneak attacked me, but all the same the "ganking" was because of the treaties.

Also, I think that had you been able to quickly defeat me the treaties might have been forsaken (think Poland in WWII), but instead we had an attrition war costly for both sides.
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