
December 18th, 2006, 10:22 PM
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Bug in 3.04 patchme.command script for OS X
line 19 of patchme.command
cp Resources/doc/* ../Dominions3.app/Contents/Resources/doc
This results in a cp usage message, because a fresh (from CD) install doesn't have a doc directory to copy the files into.
I'd suggest putting the line:
[ -d ../Dominions3.app/Contents/Resources/doc ] || mkdir ../Dominions3.app/Contents/Resources/doc
just above it.

December 19th, 2006, 07:06 AM
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Re: Bug in 3.04 patchme.command script for OS X
Might be my version because of a mod, but the Forge Lord pretender seems to be missing its second sprite : the sprite doesn't change when he attack/cast

December 19th, 2006, 07:26 AM
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Re: LE C\'tis commander recruitable in captured cap
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Site Bugs:- #558 The Sea of Dead Memories: Says that death mages may enter site to summon shades, but there is no Enter Site option in the command list for mages of any path. Tested.
- #544 The Hippocampoi Fields: Underwater site that allows nature mages to enter to summon monster #1162, which is the Early Era Ulm Archer. The summoned unit dies immediately upon arrival and the player gets no announcement of the fact. When site is forced to a land province by map command, the summon works normally
- #546 The Forest beneath the Waves: Underwater site that allows nature mages to enter to summon monster #1158, which is the Early Era Ulm Warrior Chief. The summoned unit dies immediately upon arrival and the player gets no announcement of the fact. When site is forced to a land province by map command, the summon works normally
- #1 The Smouldercone (Middle Era): Does not increase heat, as it should. Has gem income and 3 recruitables for a total of 4 features, #5 should be heat increase, as this is not the LE (Blood of Humans) site.
- #119 The Smouldercone (Early Era): Does not increase heat. The site has all 5 features full (gems + 4 recruitables), but this leaves Early Era Abysia without any heat increase via site in the home province since the Temple of the All-Consuming Flame does not increase heat either.
- #63 The City of Tombs: Keeper of the Tombs (monster #1095) is recruitable by any nation, not just C'tis as it should be.
- #443 Kelp Fortress: This underwater site should give fort #12 (Kelp Fortress). Instead, it gives fort #16 (Cave Castle).
- #437 Academy Underneath: This underwater site should presumably give either fort #12 (Kelp Fortress), #13 (Kelp Citadel) or #19 (Living Castle). Instead, it gives fort #16 (Cave Castle).
Those are the ones I've found so far.
The modding manual also seems to have some rather unclear or outright incorrect stuff in the site modding section. It gives terrain mask 511 as being "any terrain" but that excludes terrain 512, which is coast (there is also terrain 64 that is coast, is there a difference? Sea coast vs deep sea coast?).
Additionally, the mod manual says 479 is terrain mask for sites that are on land but can't be in the sea. The problem with that is that is that 511-32=479 but 256 is Deep Sea terrain, so correct terrain mask for "any land" is either 511-32-256=223 or 1023-256-32=735.
Since the terrain mask information is so completely out of whack and/or unclear, any site modders are advised to calculate terrain masks from the ground up instead of relying on the readymade figures stated in the modding manual. I have no idea how those readymade numbers are derived, but they CAN'T be correct if the table information is right.

December 19th, 2006, 09:25 AM
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[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Random on sorceress doesn't work
Sorceresses from Mirror Wall Palace site are listed as having 20% AWSD random. I've recruited 20 in one game and haven't seen a single random on them.
The probability of that is 1,15 %.

December 19th, 2006, 01:12 PM
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Re: Bug
Or you've just had [censored] luck. I remember one Dom2 game where on neutral luck I got my first national hero sometime around turn 120 and similar failures to get certain types of randoms that had a 25% chance of appearing. I wouldn't write the sorceress off yet. I can test the sorceress issue, though.

December 19th, 2006, 04:09 PM
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Glory of the gods multiplayer
Whitelance bay 71 is not connected to the neighbouring water province South Sea of Sorrows 85, even though it should as it shares a long clear border with it.
It is only neighboured to the adjacent land provinces.
Regno Dominatio

December 19th, 2006, 04:23 PM
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Re: Glory of the gods multiplayer
I recently saw the event where your province defence increases by 15 at a besieged castle. It didn't have any effect, fortunately, but it probably shouldn't have happened.

December 19th, 2006, 05:21 PM
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Re: Bug in 3.04 patchme.command script for OS X
I figured out what was causing the bizarre afflictions. One of the other players in the game has Wrath of God active (though, this being my home province, there's none of his dominion there) and the afflictions must have occurred as a result of the damage from that.

December 19th, 2006, 07:51 PM
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Re: Bug thread
Dawn map: in underground provinces ("West Dripping Cavern"), the battlefield seems to have a hole in it. Sometimes units seem to get caught in it, and then the battle will last for a very long time - maybe until autorout, I don't know (nobody had missile troops in my battle).

December 20th, 2006, 11:36 AM
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Re: Bug thread
Battlefield Effects don't end when the caster leaves the battlefield without dying.
This leads into things like Staff of Storms carrier escaping during the first turn of the battle and leaving a fatigueless Air Queen to fight within storm that won't end until the battle ends.
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