Captain Kwok said:
I'm putting together v1.02 - and besides a more aggressive AI - is there anything else you guys would like to see?
Though question since I don't exactly know what is feasible and what's not.
I'm in my 2nd game with 1.20 + BM 1.01. The first one, on normal difficulty settings was canceled at around turn 70, when I reached 160K research compared to the 15K for the guy in 2nd place. In my current game, also near turn 70, I am at 83K, the next best one is at around 50K, but only because this time there are no civs that breath hydrogen, and half the planets in my sectors have this atmosphere. Anyways, both times the AI hasn't been aggressive so far, allowing me to expand nicely without me even having a single ship for defense.
Now, I am not sure the AI needs to be made more aggressive. I mean it's not 'natural' or 'realistic' to start a war with another race that you've just discovered just for the sake of it. Only if you need to grow but have nowhere to go. What I am seeing is the AI fighting each other when there still are a few unpopulated systems around them. I think that this AI growth issue needs to be resolved before they are made simply more aggressive.
As for the treaties, I would like a total rewrite

. It doesn't make sense to have one single big treaty per race, we should have separate negotiable clauses. If I have trade + non-aggression and want to add migration, I shouldn't have to re-negotiate the whole treaty. As when a country wants to sign the Kyoto protocol, they don't have to re-negotiate the Geneva Convention, nuclear proliferation nor a 200-years-old peace treaty. Now I bet this is not feasible with a mod, but it costs nothing to ask.
To compensate, maybe there is a way to have the AI propose and much more eagerly accept changes in treaties that only have one clause added, changed or removed?
As for the treaty clauses I'd like to see some of them be either linked or implied. As I've posted before, it does not make sense to have for instance "both empires share resupply" without at least "non-aggression in all systems". Either the AI should not propose nor accept such a treaty, or the acceptance of the "both empires share resupply" clause should imply non-aggression even without the non-aggression clause being explicitly stated (but I believe the latter is more of an engine issue).
Also, non-aggression, either in neutral or colony space, should come with "share minefield codes", in either neutral or colony space respectively. IMO we should get rid of the minefield clause altogether and use our non-aggression clauses to deal with mines, as in SEIV. It made more sense. For the 3 people that play against humans and can think of some clever strategies using separate clauses for non-aggression and minefields we may have a toggle, maybe?
Its seems the AI is rather reluctant to sign treaties with high trade percentages. I don't see the reason why, higher percentages = more free money. It's not like the weaker one is losing anything, nor like his trade has a huge impact on the stronger one. And BTW, how does the game figure out which empire is the weaker one? Total score?