
January 1st, 2007, 06:44 PM
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#newspell \"woe is me\"
I can't seem to get my new divine/holy spells to work. They don't cause any problems, but they don't show up as battlefield spells when I check scripting.
Is this perhaps a function of the #effect mod?
Here is a sample spell:
#copy "luck"
#name "divine favor"
#descr "Begs the god to favor a few nearby warriors in battle."
#school 7
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 8
#pathlevel 0 1
#fatiguecost 10
#range 5
#precision 2
#aoe 1
#restricted 75
Thanks for any help!
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death

January 1st, 2007, 08:41 PM
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Re: #newspell \"woe is me\"
Just tried it removing the #restricted 75 (it makes it only castable by some modded new nation I suppose...) ... then it works perfectly, here's proof  !


January 1st, 2007, 08:51 PM
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Re: #newspell \"woe is me\"
Thanks PDF! This really helps. I should have tried that. Been working too long and my head is fried.
The spell is part of a new mod involving nation 75 "The Hidden Empire", so I need to:
1. find out why it isn't available to the new nation.
2. find out why it wasn't available to be used by you even though it showed up for you as H1 the way it should (that's how it looks from your screen shot). Maybe change it from 7 to -1 or -2....
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death

January 1st, 2007, 09:19 PM
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Re: #newspell \"woe is me\"
Ok, for anyone out there experimenting with spells--some tips:
1. Create your nation first, then any spells that are nation restricted to the new nation.
2. Divine magic should be #school 7. -2 (for nation restriction) -1 (for un-researchable) etc. do not apply.
3. Any changes you make to spells apparently do not take effect to current saved games. You must start a new game in order to test/enact the changes. This is in stark contrast to unit changes (e.g. changing your new light infantry's strength from 11 to 10 will take effect immediately as soon as you save the mod and restart dom III.)
That should do it.
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death

January 2nd, 2007, 03:50 AM
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Re: #newspell \"woe is me\"
Good to know. Still no way to create new magical paths though, sigh. What about the bit where it says holy gems? any way to reinstate them? If I were doing holy gems, I'd make it so you needed a temple and a priest entered into the temple (like you do to summon monsters in some sites, or to use the Agarthan's oracle device), then you'd earn 1 holy gem (in the form of a 'martyr' as opposed to 'bloodslave', martyrs would be blueish human shapes with a faint golden outline) per turn per temple + priest. Unholy magic/gems would be fun too, perhaps unholy gems would come in the form of flayed demonskins instead of flayed humanskins (or maybe just half-human half demon babies), and be black human shapes with glowing golden eyes and a faint red outline, and require the desecrated temple of another god (which would make independent temples, as well as the temples of other nations, useful-creating a desecrated temple would require an unholy priest spending 400 gold (or more, or less for some nations, or whatever) on a province which at one time contained a temple.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!

January 2nd, 2007, 03:59 AM
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Re: #newspell \"woe is me\"
Uh-Nu-Buh said:
3. Any changes you make to spells apparently do not take effect to current saved games. You must start a new game in order to test/enact the changes. This is in stark contrast to unit changes (e.g. changing your new light infantry's strength from 11 to 10 will take effect immediately as soon as you save the mod and restart dom III.)
This isn't exactly true. Generating a new turn works, at least sometimes. Furthermore, if the spell is cast in a battle (or a priest was scripted to cast it in a battle), changing the spell and re-viewing the battle after restarting Dom changes the battle. Changing range might make the spell not cast, changing fatigue cost shows up, etc.

January 2nd, 2007, 10:50 PM
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Re: #newspell \"woe is me\"
Generating a turn: doesn't do it for me. Confirmed again just now. I changed #school and the change does not take effect until you restart Dom III and make a new game. Could be other changes (range or aoe) will change based on turn generation. I also tested #restricted and that change did not take place until a new game was started as well.
Battles: I need to check this out. I am guessing this is only for cosmetic changes??? Damage and etc. are prefigured--you are just watching an event that has already taken place, so changes to a spell like AOE and damage should not effect any battle changes. Maybe an AOE change would show a bigger or smaller splash, but the same units would be affected either way and the same dge would be done either way. Of course you state that changing range and fatigue shows in the battle re-play, which does not make any sense at all.... I guess my understanding is flawed.
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death

January 3rd, 2007, 05:48 AM
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Re: #newspell \"woe is me\"
You have to restart Dominions before the game uploads the mods it has in memory. However, I updated a .dm, restarted Dominions then watched the same fight of a same turn multiple times. I only changed fatigue and number of effects, but both changes worked.

January 3rd, 2007, 08:34 AM
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Re: #newspell \"woe is me\"
Uh-Nu-Buh said:
Ok, for anyone out there experimenting with spells--some tips:
1. Create your nation first, then any spells that are nation restricted to the new nation.
2. Divine magic should be #school 7. -2 (for nation restriction) -1 (for un-researchable) etc. do not apply.
3. Any changes you make to spells apparently do not take effect to current saved games. You must start a new game in order to test/enact the changes. This is in stark contrast to unit changes (e.g. changing your new light infantry's strength from 11 to 10 will take effect immediately as soon as you save the mod and restart dom III.)
That should do it.
For 1/, I find this understandable, there is no way to define in what order mods would be read by the game engine, so any specifics to new nations should be in the same mod that defines the nation.
About 3/ I think it hasn't to do with saved games but rather that mods are read/loaded only when you boot up the game, so you have to quit/restart to have any change enforced. Maybe there's something more with spells, have to test..

January 11th, 2007, 11:08 AM
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Re: #newspell \"woe is me\"
Uh-Nu-Buh said:
Battles: I need to check this out. I am guessing this is only for cosmetic changes??? Damage and etc. are prefigured--you are just watching an event that has already taken place, so changes to a spell like AOE and damage should not effect any battle changes. Maybe an AOE change would show a bigger or smaller splash, but the same units would be affected either way and the same dge would be done either way. Of course you state that changing range and fatigue shows in the battle re-play, which does not make any sense at all.... I guess my understanding is flawed.
When the game shows you battles, it's not actually showing you what happened so much as working out the battle again. It knows the starting configuration and the random number seed that the host used, so it just goes through the same calculations and shows you what happens. If you change things, the battle will come out differently.
Of course your situation in the game, and the battle statistics, depend on the results the host got when it ran through the battle. So you could change things so that when you watch the battle it'd look like you won, even though you lost. Last time a patch came out I remember someone getting really annoyed because the battle view clearly showed him winning, but all his men were gone - it was because the host had played the turn with the new patch and he hadn't got it yet (or vice versa), and the minor changes in the patch were enough to give radically different results in that particular battle. Chaos theory, I guess. 
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