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Old January 4th, 2007, 11:32 PM
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Default Mod: Golden Age of Magic (cheap drakes and more)

The Golden Age mod is mostly done, I am asking for comments, additions, requests, etc.

Golden Age V0.1

Cheaper Drakes: 4 gems
New Sites (all rare):
--mineral cave: recruit huge powerful ancient cave drake for 1000gold and 200resources
--windswept spire: ancient wyvern
--ice lake: ancient ice drake
--magma rift: ancient fire drake
--black cauldron: recruit cauldron born
--achillean spring: recruit achillean infantry
--arawn's leafy bower: recruit arawn's huntsman
--forge of wonders: recruit clockwork horrors
--stables of doom: recruit paladin

New Divine Spells:
--Heavenly Favor (luck)
--Wound Balm (healing light)
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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Old January 5th, 2007, 05:27 AM
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Default Re: RFC--New Mod: Golden Age

Could you give a bit more info about those divine spells? Personal luck, or luck, and how high level is needed?
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Old January 5th, 2007, 09:16 AM
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Default Re: RFC--New Mod: Golden Age


It seems to me there are a couple of holes in the Priest's repertoire. Generic priests have a reputation for healing and blessing, and are supposed to be giving and unselfish. The only blessing they have in Dom III is for sacred units so it is very specific. I wanted a more generic blessing. I wanted neither spell to be too powerful, nor too unavailable. In general, Divine magic seems about twice as powerful as regular magic, so that is how I came up with the following:

#copy "luck"
#name "Heavenly Favor"
#descr "Begs the god to favor a few nearby warriors in battle."
#school 7
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 8
#pathlevel 0 1
#fatiguecost 10
#range 5
#precision 2
#aoe 1

#copy "healing light"
#name "Wound Balm"
#descr "Begs the god to heal a few friends."
#school 7
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 8
#pathlevel 0 1
#fatiguecost 10
#range 25
#precision 100
#aoe 1

This mod in general is comprised of a bunch of small mods thrown in together. They are little hole fillers, adding a little bit here and there. The spring where Achilles received his iron skin. The black cauldron of Celtic myth. Reducing the cost of Drakes so they might actually be used. Creating huge ancient drakes as a filler between drakes and actual dragons. Adding a paladin unit (Camelot). Giving priests the power to do small healing and blessing spells. Etc. etc.

If anybody can think of any other small holes, I would be happy to add to the mod. I should post the first version later today. I need to do the graphics for the new units--always the last part of a mod for me as I have no artistic ability at all.
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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Old January 5th, 2007, 01:55 PM
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Default Re: RFC--New Mod: Golden Age

Luck is quite powerful ability. Luck as H1 spell that doesn't have to be researched would make H1 priests VERY useful. I think everyone using this mod would save for a temple, build it somewhere where it allows recruitment of independent priests, and mass those.

IMHO, H1 is too low for a Luck spell. A healing spell, especially one that costs fatigue like yours, is fine as a H1 spell, but Luck should take at least H2, possibly H3.

Also, I'd prefer "Divine Favour" and "Care Bear Stare" as names of the new holy spells.
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Old January 5th, 2007, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: RFC--New Mod: Golden Age

I think the luck spell would be fine it was H4.
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Old January 5th, 2007, 10:27 PM
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Default Re: RFC--New Mod: Golden Age


LOL. I needed a good laugh.

You make some good points. Care Bear Stare is good. If I add curse I will make it Care Bear Glare.

In general, if you look at the other divine spells, I don't think these are out of line power-wise.

Consider Banishment. H1, Fatigue 0, Range 20, AOE 4+, Dg 5+, armor negating.

Consider Blessing. This is obviously a very powerful spell. Again, it is H1. No fatigue. AOE 5+.

Luck is S1. Fat 20, R 5, AOE 1.... It is Alt 4, so it does have to be researched.... Probably having every 1'st level priest able to do it, although in line power wise, is game unbalancing. I will make it H2. You are right.

Making it H2 may not be enough, I may mess with the Number of Effects and reduce it. Maybe make the fatigue cost higher.

H2 may not be balancing enough, and H3 is too far.
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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Old February 13th, 2007, 05:44 PM

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Default Re: Mod: Golden Age of Magic (cheap drakes and mor

Uh-Nu-Buh said:
New Sites (all rare):
--mineral cave: recruit huge powerful ancient cave drake for 1000gold and 200resources
--windswept spire: ancient wyvern
--ice lake: ancient ice drake
--magma rift: ancient fire drake
--black cauldron: recruit cauldron born
--achillean spring: recruit achillean infantry
--arawn's leafy bower: recruit arawn's huntsman
--forge of wonders: recruit clockwork horrors
--stables of doom: recruit paladin
Recruitables don't work for randomly occuring sites.
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Old February 13th, 2007, 10:41 PM

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Default Re: Mod: Golden Age of Magic (cheap drakes and mor

I thought they did in 3.06,.. Is that still not working?

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Old February 17th, 2007, 12:41 PM
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Default Re: Mod: Golden Age of Magic (cheap drakes and mor

There aren't commands for that. I don't think any site modding commands were added in 3.05/3.06. The only recruitment commands we have for magic sites let us designate units and commanders only recruitable by the original owner of the site. It can be used for more than capital-only sites, but only in spesific maps or scenarios.
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