NTJedi - yes, you are 100% correct.
Since #killfeatures is part of all my special provinces, it spits it out by default, doesn't need to be added to each special.
Gandalf - yeah, remember you requested island and lake functionality when I posted version 0.1 of the script? It does indeed keep track of neighbors, and spits out comments re: what's a lake and what's an island. Now that you bring it up, it would be much more logical to put specials on lakes (especially) and islands than just scattered around at unused start locations.
In addition to specifying a mask for every eligible special province, I can also specify something about the neighbors - two extra lines of code, easy. That way you could have special provinces that can only be islands etc. I'll get on that.
I wasn't planning on posting a new version of my map-funker until paradox bringer can generate wrap-around maps that he's willing to let me have

At that point, I can start nagging him about how I want my script to add little symbols to his map when it places start locations, special provinces, etc.