Re: Leftover Pretender Points
yeah if you cant spend leftover points, and you make a design you like, but are left with 39 points you cant spend....well to be efficiant you have to change stratagy somewhat. so now you cannot freely max out your stratagy but are limited by chance. the necessity to choose between efficiancy, and to freely create an individual stratagy has to be minimised as much as possible. no one wants to play a game where one tactic obviously beats all others.
39 points is too much
i think though, that it should work differently alltogether. i think dominion scales have to be tide to your pretender. like if you choose the ice lord, or lord of winter, youd automatically have to choose cold 2 or 3 or something, and a lord of death would automatically have death 2 or 3. and maybe there could be an ability to 'buy' an extra gem site at your capital, or some extra starting units or something. a little more versitility would be nice, so you wont only get maxed out magic/pretender or maxed out dominion scales. it appears to be quite a linear line as it is now, between those two ends.
but i just started playing the game two days ago, so what do i know=P