Re: Small suggestions for the next patch
1. You can queue up the troops as much as you want, as long as you have the gold for it. The resource will go negative, and so will the holy count for sacred troops, the ones that can't be recruited will be done the turn after.
Try going to your capital, hold down shift, and click a dozen time on your favorite troops (to add 10 per click), and it'll continue to recruit them until it's done. You have to have the gold to spend on them though. XD
2. There are income and dominion icons on the map, it's just disabled most of the time. Try hitting "4", or go into "Map filters" and check "Income box".
3. A dimiss option is sorely needed, I definitely agree. Right now the best way to kill worthless troops is to astral gate into the ocean with a shambler skin armor (late game solution). You can also walk into the ocean with a sea king and abandon them there to drown earlier in the game.
4. Spell sorting would be useful I suppose, although having played for a while, I've kinda gotten used to all of them, so I don't really notice it anymore (kinda memorized most of them). Still, it's always nice to have the option... especially when you got one of those wishers... XD