Personally I love EA Mictlan
The advice above sounds very good to me, but here is my take on Mictlan anyway...
I usually play with a F9W9B4 bless since the added defense and the quickness from the W9 add quite a lot of staying and hitting power to my units. D4 is nice vs. high HP and/or regen units like Niefel Giants with a N9 bless

and IIRC it helps with the old age.
I would go for Dom8 (lacking points for more) due to the cheap sacreds.
Mainly this means an imprisoned pretender (cheap/magic heavy) and bad scales, but since your troops are fast and hitting very hard in addition to being hard to hit I don't think that you need an early pretender or a combat pretender for the late game (which is fairly based on magic anyway).
Due to point contraints I usually go for very bad scales:
turmoil 3
sloth 3
heat 3
growths 2-3
luck 2-3
magic drain 2
I like growth for the old mages and in order to get more time out of my bloodhunting provinces.
Due to the drain I tend to go for construction 6 ASAP in order to get boots of youths for my old mages since they are the only means to get decent research. But due to the growth scale (at least when combined with D4) I don't seem to get very many diseased mages till I get to construction 6 anyway.
I waste a lot of blood/research for building those boots, but this might lead to some interesting tactics with a global enchantment later on
And I love my eagle warriors, with a heavy bless like this they tend to kill 1 unit each turn due to their large number of attacks/high damage.
One thing to keep in mind with Mictlan is not to mix your (rather low HP) sacreds with ranged units since you tend to get lots of casualties due to friendly fire.
PS: I tend to recruit some Sun Warriors (despite their poor speed) as frontline troops due to they decent protection. They are often able to stop cav charges and soak up arrows. Their high encumberance usually is no problem since the eagle warriors usually end the fight before enc becomes a real issue.