Re: The Quick and The Dead (Accelerated Start) [OP
I really like the idea of ermor as a race. It is great. Has fantastic imagery and backstory and is nice to think about.
But from a game balance standpoint it doesn't fit in with the rest of the game. (even in dom2 this was the case)
-it doesn't need population
-it doesn't need supplies
-it doesn't need gold as badly as every one else
-it has no upkeep costs for the majority if its troops
-when another nation attacks ermor, they have to bring extra supply++ items. They gain provinces which have really no value (as ermor has sucked them dry)
-it can go in water (which most nations can't) So they can basically claim all of the water uncontested. (if you want to fight ermor in water then you need a big investment in water breathing items to get your main troops into the drink)
-they can put a huge number of troops on the board. And the way the game works, means that the more "armies" you have the better you can play the "ping pong province game".
Also you can attack lots of people at once stealing their provinces, taxes to 200 and start raping their lands.
And there are no real game choices once you can field N armies. Just send one everywhere!
Basically, they are playing by a different set of rules. I have not seen a non ermor nation go on the pillaging attack. Because you want those provinces long term to give your nation value.
I think we had the same issues with the water races of dom2 as they are sort of off in their own world for most of the game protected and safe. And to finally beat them you have to have a special strategy/items to kill them. Both of which differs greatly from battling on ground.