Hello again, GODS
Long, long time ago, in the MIDDLE ERA, the world become dark, full of skeletons, living dead, ghouls... Those were the dark times for all living beings...
Emor has defeated all his oponents and become the only ruler.
Now the time has come. The new GODS are awakeing. Emor has vanished, noone knows why.
Rumors say, that he has been banned by the main God, admin....
Now, lets go to the point:
as we have already finished our MA game (congratulations Daniel), now it is time for the Late Era.
Details are like the previous time (I'll try not to forget to set Victory Locations...)
Game Type: TCP/IP (static server)
Speed: multigen for the first 12 turns - later - quickhost but at least 1 gen per 24hrs.
Era: Late
Players: 10 (experience requiered)
Start: Probably 18 March - Ill tell the exact time on Thursday
Nation Selection: without killing pop/disiese spread (Emor), and Vanheim cannot take water bless (unless a neebie player). Water nations: BAN.
Map: 15 provinces per player pre-generated map.
Victory Conditions: 1VP per capital, 10 random 1VP provinces, 12 VP needed to win. 10water prov so the map will be something like 160 prov (for 10 players)
Graphs: off
Hall of Fame: 15
Renaming: On
Indi's: 5
Starting prov: 3
Everything Else: Defaults
-we are located in Poland, +2GMT
-no mods
-we play "rpg" kind of game, with pacts, alliances, NAPs etc. What is important, pact once signed MUST be obeyed. Sometimes we say that there is an alliace lasting 10 turns. Or lasts until someone rejects this but with for example a 3 months notice. etc
-those who are interested, please send me an email at
biuro(@)mathilde.pl - I dont usually look at private messages
- Ill email back with the IP, port and time when we start
Please, vote only those who are going to play

We start at 5:00 PM EST =>23:00 Polish time, CET => 10:00 PM GMT. Voyte which day. There is a chance that I will be able to play since Sunday, but Ill do my best to be avaible earlier.
So far we have:
1). Blofeld: Marignon
2). Kojusoki: Arco
3). Zolharm: Utgard
4). WSzaboPeter: MAN
5). Jazzepi: T'ien Ch'i (cannot play on Friday)
6). Kiss Blade: Patala
7). JayThomas: Caelum
8). Methel: Pangea
9). Shovah32: Agartha
10). Catquiet: Mictlan
11). GameExtremist: will choose
Seems we have all the players, so maybe we will start tommorow? As usual, 2 players will forget or something so if anyone wishes to join - ok, he/she will be on a reserve list.
Please send me your emails!!! Im sending port and IP ONLY thru emails (biuro (@) mathilde) so please write something to me