In the attachment, you can find a map (jpg) we will be playing on. This map shows the advance of Emor centuries ago...
Now, when the Emor is almost gone, there are 10 new pretenders... Ten pretenders to become a true GOD. There are Nations who live close together and share similar motives. Maybe they can sign and alliance or other pact at the very begining?
Those Nations WILL NOT attack each others for the first 10 turns (turn 10th is the turn you can send orders to attack):
Marignon + Mitclan (as they share banned blood magic)
Arco + Patala (as they have similar troops)
Utgard + Caelum (as they are cold bastards

Man + Pangea (forests)
Agartha + Tien Chi (noone knows why
On the map, there will be 10 INDEPENDENT castles with really strong garnizon of Undead's - remains of the once mighty Emor... The castles are worth 1VP and have magical sites.