There should be more Pretenders to choose from. SC for Ermor is not really all that useful as for other nations.(or at all in dom3) The army is so big that a SC is pointless or lets at least say not as effective. So Lichqueen and sometimes masterlich/ghost king seems always be a no brainer choice. I also tried to take Lord of the Gates for a bit diversity and making him SC and spellcaster.
Example1 SC:
Scales: turmoil3, sloth3, cold3, death3, luck3, drain2
Dormant Lord of the Gates, starting with dominion3, 1death magic path
paths: 4 fire, 3 air, 10 death, 4 nature
design points left: zero
Example2 immortal Spellcaster:
Scales: turmoil3, sloth3, cold3, death3, luck3, drain2
Dormant Lichqueen, starting with dominion4, 3death magic paths
paths: 4 fire, 3 air, 10 death, 4 nature
design points left: 155! o_O
I really like Roleplaying, but this is too harsh. Making the Lichqueen and similar immortals so much a no brainer choice is not really about diversity. The other problem is while EA Ermor and partly MA Ermor have more pretender choices, LA Ermor has it kinda reduced to nothing, but different liches, where a normal Lich really serves no purpose.
I would like here some additonal pretenders added. Tartarian Titans could be added for example. And a good SC chassis with fire and death paths to start with, maybe some demon lords of the undead realm in hell.
Ermor gets so many design points late age and cannot use them well cause of almost no choices resulting in always having the same gods, others do simply not work well enough in comparission. You can take a prince of death/ghost king and scare some indies, but what for? You have more than enough undead legions to throw on them. And later summons that can fit into a SC role quite easily.
So a wider selection of pyhsical pretender appearances would be very appreciated for the RPG aspect of this game. I can't think of a balance reason that LE Ermor has just a few useful gods. In Ashen Empire history i read about a dark hungry god, i hope Lichqueen was not meaned by that.
A Tartarian Titan or Demonlord commanding the undead would fit here better, imho. Doom Horor as Gandalf once suggest for its AI too, but i can see that would be a mod thing then.