Re: Tyrant/Marignon wins.
You fought quite well Ezco, of my many opponents only Shinuyama did better, and I was fighting them left-handed while my main forces were engaged against Pythium.
Abyssia seems to have lost heart when C'tis betrayed him and you were overmatched by that point in the game, i don't really think there was much else you could have done. Letting my capitol be besieged is a tactic i use so often it should be named after me- i did it twice this game- and it's only failed once.
I was kind of embarrassed about how easily i took out your golems. Each of my guys had the advantage, but only slightly and by my calculations the odds of my winning three in a row were 7% and three in row without losses 1.2%. So unless my math is wrong you wuz robbed! Stymphalian Golem raiders are very excellent- they are nearly unstoppable against nation without astral, but as you saw astral nations have a straightforward counter. Even without my extraordinary luck they would have gone down eventually to a much cheaper unit.
Some other random thoughts on this game-
Marignon was a weak nation in DomII, but i kinda thought the doubled economy in 3 would fix that, and to my satisfaction it has.
I have learned a whole new respect for Astral Fires, Aby would have kicked my butt without that spell and AE with 100 precision just generally rox!
Why no Blood magic from Abbysia? Others disagree, but i think Aby is one of the top Blood nations and i don't know why one would play them and not use it.
Cat- It seems like you have been in at least half the games i've played online and i'm always glad to see you on the roster and hope to have a border with you. Seems like the two of us have come in 2nd third in a half a dozen games. You are a man after my own heart- you don't babble or engage in Byzantine diplomacy, you don't get overrun and cause a power vacum, and until this game you have never broken a NAP. Under the circumstances I don't really hold it against you, it was a half hearted attack in game that was pretty much done, but a declaration would have been a nice formality.
Thanks to all for the game, and big thanks to Graeme for hosting!