What kindof maps? I like to generate maps with LOTS of chokepoints. Like this..
Tri-Mega map
I have considered writing a program to work around the mountains thing. You could generate a map with regular mountains. And then find/delete appropriate neighbors in the .map file. But the .map commands include a terrain setting for mountain and border mountain. Im not sure if the game itself treats that terrain setting different or not. They use the same icon but if you assign both to a province then when the player checks it he sees two mountain icons. I dont know if that gives double-mountain bonuses or not.
ImageMagick huh? Any good with it? The documentation sucks and its so jargon-heavy with graphic/paint/programming jargon that it seems like you have to be an expert in more than one thing to use it.
Ive used it to generate webpages. Like for the daily random maps I generate for Dom2.
Dom2Minions.com daily random maps
I keep meaning to redo that for Dom3 and include new map generators, and new map versions such as ParadoxHarbinger's which can generate wraparound maps
and Ballbarians SemiRandomizer
and other oddities such as my chaotizier or for Tower Maps
tower (hard to see in some browsers)
Unfortunately thats another of those "do it again because I did it before" projects that I cant seem to get motivated on. Just not enough challenge to it.