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June 16th, 2007, 03:35 PM
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Re: Long campain, Soviet mech battalion, Nov 1941
0016-0017 While our T34/57 was sitting behind the infantry near the central fight, two PzIIIh popped out in the forest clearing suddenly from the south and killed it in one hit. No crew survived. Both Panzers were later burned by cavalry with molotov.
Three T34/57 from south arrived into center. Our cavalry scout located and attacked two 8cm mortars in Fritz rear. Central group of four KV ordered to move into close-range fight. Most of our infantry in the center heavily suppressed, in retreat or rout. Another three fresh squads ordered into the furnace which central fight become.
On the north german made their move. Four panzer attacked our position, three were destroyed by 57mm ATG, immobilized KV and T34/57 platoon.


June 16th, 2007, 03:36 PM
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Re: Long campain, Soviet mech battalion, Nov 1941
0018 Advance of KV into the central fight was not quite successful. One KV lost with the crew, anothe heavily damaged and probably immobilized. KVs manged to kill two PzIII. In the forest T34/57 plt arrived from the south helped to repell panzer advance and destroyed three PzIII. German 105 mm howitzers immobilized one T34/57 in the center and disabled gun of another. No functional tanks remain in the central T34/57 plt. Commander trying to withdrwa infantry from the north edge of the forest and hit german panzer group with heavy artillery.
Last (?) PzIII killed on the north and T34/57 plt moved from the north-back to the center. One 57mmATG rebased to the central fight, two another on the move. Two PzIII detected by scouts in the German rear area.

June 16th, 2007, 03:36 PM
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Re: Long campain, Soviet mech battalion, Nov 1941
0022 It seems our 152mm howitzer broke german armor group in the center at last. Some panzers routed and were killed by 57mm ATG. Our infantry started to advance, T34/57 and KV moved in to support. On the west group of five PzIIIj/1 moving to the north. It seems they want to retake objective in the north-westforest taken by our scout.


June 16th, 2007, 03:37 PM
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Re: Long campain, Soviet mech battalion, Nov 1941
0028 Our scouts retreated and German Panzer in the north-west retook the objective and tried to return. On their way back they were ambashed by three T34/57. Three PzIIIj/1 destroyed.
Foom the west german panzer and infantry appear. Commander trying to move some infantry and 57ATG n trucks to the west. In the center there is some german resistace still. One T34/57 and infantry left to watch over central forest clearing, the rest of the force trying to move around the forest, to take central objective group.


June 16th, 2007, 03:38 PM
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Re: Long campain, Soviet mech battalion, Nov 1941
0030 Germans panzers took our western group in the pincer. In the center our force continue move around the forest, where Germans entrenched.


June 16th, 2007, 03:39 PM
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Re: Long campain, Soviet mech battalion, Nov 1941
0032 Nothern part of the german pizer in the west destroyed. SIngle panzer from the south part continue advance. One T34/57 lost with the crew.


June 16th, 2007, 03:40 PM
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Re: Long campain, Soviet mech battalion, Nov 1941
Our central forces took all objective in the center. Two infsntry squads on halftrucks took west objective without any resistance. Major victory.
Our core force losses:
2 KV, one with crew
3 T34/57, one with crew
one rifle squad
3 57mm ATG with crew
Germans lost 95 AFV.
KV1 1941 replaced with heavier KV-1c 1942
brigade got 6 platoons of brand new lend-lease halftrucks
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