Kristoffer O said:
I recently made High seraphs home only, and got some reactions on the matter.
Oh puhlease, not the nerf stick again.
Why on earth would you do that? I only know MA Caelum, and while it is a powerful nation it is by no means overpowered. Mammoths? Other nations have elephants and besides early expansion or against some dud nations (think Ulm) they become worthless. Try sending them against any nation with astral/death mages and see what's good for you. The flying infantry? Brittle. I tend to like the spire horn archers because of their shock and cold resistances can have a synergy with spamming lightning/cold spells, and the storm guards for the same reason. But they are resource expensive and... brittle. And lightning/cold resistances are easy to come by, especially on thug, SC's.
I am not going to argue this business anymore, others have done it (and will do it) much better than I. I'm depressed