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Old September 1st, 2007, 09:27 AM
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

So, does anyone like this mod?? or dislike it? can I get anyone to post here??
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Old September 1st, 2007, 09:38 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

I suggest you post a graphical preview. Perhaps it will encourage people to give the mod a whirl. Just a screenshot of the recruiting screen or something would help I think.

Other than that, patience I guess :]
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Old September 1st, 2007, 09:43 AM
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

Juzza said:
So, does anyone like this mod?? or dislike it? can I get anyone to post here??
I have a bit of time today. I'll play it and post my thoughts sometime today/tomorrow.
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Old September 1st, 2007, 04:16 PM

EarthRaver EarthRaver is offline
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

does this mod have captain jack sparrow as a hero?
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Old September 1st, 2007, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

has no heroes yet, I can make some heroes like that
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Old September 2nd, 2007, 12:08 PM

EarthRaver EarthRaver is offline
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

pls include all the heroes like in the last final 3rd movie the world's end.
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Old September 2nd, 2007, 02:26 PM
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

Ok, played this against he AI for 3,5 years, and here's my thoughts.

Nice work! The over-all nation is nice to play. I really like Pirate Lords, you can thug them out very easily. Or instantly, if you get good magic picks, like A1 W1 for mistform and quicken self . Also, I'm no expert on balance, but this seems balanced enough for me. You should bug Sombre into taking a look at this once you're completely done with it. I'd play the CB version in MP any time.

And some more specific issues;

- The infantry is powerfull, but that's fine. I mean, it's basically the only thing they've got. I like the grappler dudes, they back a bunch but need to be protected. The Blood Guard might need a small gold cost raise (22 or 23 perhaps?). They're very good. 8 of them can easily conquer independent 5 provinces.

- I find the lack of sailing scouts very annoying. You can't excatly use the sailing potential very well now, since you have to attack blindly. Considering that Free Port is a City State of sorts, I wouldn't find some sort of Informant (sailing spy) completely unthematical. I mean that many folk would probably gladly sell information of their own people to pirates in exchange for some of the booty..

- One thing bugs me about Pirate Lords. They're big and bad and that's all right, but why? The current discription implies that they're so big and bad because they "just are so uber". I don't think that this explanation really cuts it. Humans don't get physically bigger with experience. They need somesort of supernatural source for their badassness. Perhaps the Arcanist's imbue some chosen children with raw magic (or something) and have them spend all their life in a ship until they turn 18 or something. The current discription also needs a spell-check.

- About Dread Captains. You know that you can't never sail over more than one water province? That map move 4 doesn't really help about that. Besides it's a bit unthematical that these guys can move through 4 farm lands per turn just because they have fast skeletal ships. Especially when normal undead move 3. . So I think that they need some other gizmo trick or just downgraded to a basic mage commander. How about this? Change them to undead and give them some holy magic so that they can reanimate. Perhaps there is a lake in free port where former Pirate Lords, Arcanists, Governers and other big shots have been buried. With the coming of a new god some them have received the god's blessing and have came back form the dead to serve Free Port.

- Some more pretender choises would also be cool. I think that Lord of the Waves and Son of the Sea wouldn't be unthematical choices. Some sort of "Uber-Pirate Lord" pretender wouls also be cool.

- If you're making national heroes, I think that some sort of Spy/Assasin/Master Thief/Rogue hero would be cool (he could be spoken as being the "luck's lover", increases luck scale in the province he dwells, along with unrest as angry fathers want to know who wooed their daughters and the folk demand actions on the sudden rise of crime rate ) . Some sort Immortal Pirate lord drawing on the legend of the Flying Dutchman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Dutchman, wold also be cool.
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Old September 2nd, 2007, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

Edit: Oh and thankyou for those kind words! though I've got no idea what the CBM versions are, they just don't appeal to me and I haven't looked.

This is the kind of freeback I really really want!! alos, I may not update this until the next patch it out

Okay, the grapplers, noo! no more armour, it's part of the whole, these are still pirates thing, pirates need to run around their ship doing stuff and they can't do that in heavy armour and yes! the blood guards a very strong, I thought I should increase there cost a bit, I might up it to 25.

... well uh, I sorta forgot about scouts, heh silly me! I'll put that in next update.

Yeah, I think I've got an idea as to why, I may mesh together a few ideas.

Huh, I didn't know you could only ever sail across one thing of water!! that just means they move super fast on land, gah!! I'll make then a little different, something more suiting to the name Dread Captain as well.

Now the only reason I haven't added more is that, I don't know how and I'm kinda reluctant to learn how, but I'll have a look since you asked.

Yes I will be making at least three national heroes, and EarthRaver, I'm not sure about making those kind of heroes, this isn't the exact same concept as that, but I'll look into the flying dutchman sorta thing.
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Old September 3rd, 2007, 01:16 PM
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

Nice mod!

Here are a couple things:

Why would I get the Pirate when I can get a Pirate Harpooner for 1 extra resource? The 1 less morale and attack doesn't really concern me. Perhaps make them a bit more expensive, or Pirates a bit cheaper? If Regular Joe Pirate had less resource-hogging armor, I could also mass them and they would have their own niche. Right now I would never use them.

Pirate Lords are... bizarre. Would it make sense for them to have a bit of priestly power as well? I usually only get two paths, but the possibility for who-knows-what is pretty exciting

Is there a reason there is no blessable unit? It seems the Redguard might be a good choice, and it would limit the number recruitable so you don't get "elites only" armies.

Wind Channelers seem kind of meh for their cost - at least in comparison to the Arcanists, who are awesome. I think I'd only recruit one if I was very low on gold. If the Arcanists were capitol-only, it would make it a much more difficult choice, though the nation would be significantly weaker.

One other thing I would add - and this might just be me - would be an Animal Trader or something that freespawned various exotic pets for the pirates.
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Old September 3rd, 2007, 04:03 PM
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Default Re: Pirate Nation!!

I just had a couple of quite looney ideas while I was at work. (It can get quite boring once in a while and your mind starts to wonder).

I remembered how some guys tried to make a stelthy Gluttony 100 unit to hog opponent's supplies. It didn't work, so I'm quite sure that the opposite (a scout unit with supply bonus) won't supply enemy. This makes one unit possible. Smuggler. He's your basic average scout, but with a thematic reason to have sailing. Plus, I was thinking he could have supply bonus of 20-30 (you know, they can smuggle some food where-ever your army is). Thye would also be useful in sieges, where they can smuggle food to the castle. (I know, stolen form G.R.R Martin's book). Perhaps they could have some leadership (20?) and you could make a "Thug" unit (lowly armored, cheap, stealthy because they blend in with the masses) to have some stealth power.

I also got a bizarre pretender idea (If you don't know how to mod pretender choises them, why not just ask someone?). A magical star which has always led Free Porters home that has descended down form heavens to lead his favourite city to glory! He could be like this nations own "Baphtomet" or "Glowing Glyph". Immobile, Ethereal, reasonably and cheap good magic. (like S2,A2), The graphic wouldn't probably be too tough to make.
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.

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