My next attempts to break through would have featured Mass Flight and signifigantly increased quntity of Shadow Blast. With the dominion victory looming, my low research, and the easy research done all the mages were getting equiped and sent out to fight. I believed that decisive victories against your large and so far invincible forward armies would have let me sweep forward on all fronts and bring my hordes to bear. Whether that would have been enough temple burning to swing the war is hard to say.
I did not realize that you were that close to finishing off Aby, that very well might have put you over the top. I was pushing the crazies back and picking up candles, but no way i would have finished them off before you crossed the finish line.
I take it from your post that you don't care for the Dominion victory. It's the first time i have used it, and i kinda liked it, though it would have been a pretty pro Ermor setup had i not forgotten we were using it and made my dominion strength 7