I'd forgotten about that, actually. That sounds like a fun feature to add for the next release of DevnullMod. I'll have to figure out some interesting crossover tech ideas to implement. Any suggestions welcome!
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Re: DevnullMod 1.0 Released!
Psychic/Religous: ????? named facility - a temple that utilizes the enhanced mental capabilites of the race to facilitiate system wide happiness.
Temporal/Psychic: ????? named facility - This massive facility is able to cloak an entire planet by phasing space time in the area and sending out powerful electrical impulses that trick most minds into beleiving that there is no planet present.
Organic/Religious: Gaia Temple - This shrine is really a terraforming facility that is converting the planet into an optimal planet type for the race turning the atmosphere into one that is breathable and also improving the conditions. (? On becoing a Gaia type planet the organic production on the planet is increased 20% ?)
Sorry I can't think of names for any of these facilities, just wanted to throw some ideas out.
Tnarg said: Psychic/Religous: ????? named facility - a temple that utilizes the enhanced mental capabilites of the race to facilitiate system wide happiness.
This would need to be better than the system happiness facility Religious already has (Fate Shrine) to be worthwhile to build.
Cap'n Q
"Good morning, Pooh Bear," said Eeyore gloomily. "If it is a good morning," he said. "Which I doubt," said he.