Re: OT: Much of our culture is based upon ...
The problem is, it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern the truth from the mistakes, half-truths and lies.
Choice is good; it does not follow that all choices are good.
I abhor cell phones and to a lesser degree telephones. If cell phones were only used for emergencies they would be a good idea.
To put it simply, solitude is a necessity just as communication is. And telephones, by their nature, make it hard to ignore them - The call could always be important.
Now e-mail, that could revive communication if handled correctly. Messages can be marked urgent, I can generally take as long as I want replying and, to a certain degree, unwanted messages can be filtered. My google mail, for example, almost never gets unwanted mail.
(On the other hand, I generally communicate the longest in forums - Wonderful things, forums, for many of the same reasons. e-mail, despite its potential, still feels awkward)
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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