Alrighty, I found more data on another tab. Looks like everything I need is in the db but, man, it's a big job hunting it all down! This is going to take a while...better grab a Snickers.
So, have you made progress on the Quick Reference thing? I think that there are really a lot of people waiting for it, who don't carry their manual with them at all times and don't want to open Edi's DB for something like this... me included.
I wrote it, but don't have immediate plans to follow up with any of the other paths. My attention's been sapped by work and my focus has changed to actually being able to win one of thes multiplayer games one of these days.... Pooh. I keep losing instead.
lch said:
So, have you made progress on the Quick Reference thing? I think that there are really a lot of people waiting for it, who don't carry their manual with them at all times and don't want to open Edi's DB for something like this... me included.
Unfortunately, with my wife's recent 40th b-day and the holidays now upon us, I've had little time to work on this. I'm hoping to return to after the new year...