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Old December 3rd, 2007, 01:55 PM

FrozenFalcon FrozenFalcon is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

Well we have only 8 players now, and if it stays like that I think we should take heed on Llamabeast's suggestion and play a smaller map, maybe that customized Parganos.

Otthegreat: Mod is packed into a rar file. You have to unpack it to the /mod folder. Like Zeldor said.
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Old December 3rd, 2007, 01:58 PM
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

I"m quite experienced - behold my mighty post-count! - but I do love team games and would be happy to be either paired with a relative newbie, or given, say, Ulm.

Unclaimed nations that I like and haven't played in a while (in order of preference): Arcoscephale, Oceania, T'ien Ch'i, Pythium.

Nations that would count as a handicap at least if I play them: Ulm, Caelum (boy do I suck at Caelum), Agartha, Shinuyama.
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Old December 3rd, 2007, 02:15 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

Zeldor - big map is a subjective thing at best. Personally I would probably not join a game now that went as high as 20 provinces/player let alone thirty - I just don't enjoy the crazy micromanagement and hour-long turns. This is of course very much a matter of personal taste though, and many players really enjoy the epic feel of larger maps - that's very cool, and I envy their patience. I really feel it would be a mistake for people to play their first ever MP games on such a big map though. That's just my two cents (or rather pence!), but it's a reasonably strongly-felt two pence with a fair bit of experience behind it (regard my even mightier post count! - though Dr P is probably a good bit more experienced than me and just less verbose).

This is of course, however, not actually a game I'm in, so I'll keep my nose out now.
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Old December 3rd, 2007, 02:21 PM

Zeldor Zeldor is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread


I think you would beat everyone here even with Ulm... that is a newbie game so Ulm is quite nice for that. The same Caelum.


Yeah, I understand it. I personally love maps that give every player some time to develop and grow. I got 3 MP games and all gave around 10 provinces per nation so I am sick of it. They give almost no strategic choices, especially with pretender creation. And I really do not want to play so small maps without CB mod, cause it really limits nation choice for me.

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Old December 3rd, 2007, 03:07 PM

FrozenFalcon FrozenFalcon is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

Well, I know nothing about existing maps, but I think we should try and reach a compromise about the map size. Llamabeast thinks that a huge map is not very suitable for new players, and at opposite, Zeldor is sick and tired about the small maps. WoG has 337 provinces, so it would be almost 30 provinces for a player. It may lead to boredom, so would there be a map with 15-20 provinces per player (this may be difficult to tell because we haven't locked the player amount yet)?

But as I've said, anything goes for me. If it is ok for all players and we get the full 12 (and another water nation) we can try WoG; all honor to your knowledge and experience, Llamabeast, but I think that the players should decide the map.

Of course, the new players may not have any perspective about the map sizes, so it's good to informate them about it. And I too would prefer a bit smaller map.
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Old December 3rd, 2007, 03:21 PM

Zeldor Zeldor is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

I was sure we agreed on WoG in previous thread There are many garrisons and special territories [plains are hard to keep] so it doesn't feel like a huge map. And we play teams and focus on VP so no one will have to conquer all provinces, you can even keep that 20-30 provinces and have chances to win.

But of course that is just my opinion and I am not hosting the game. I think we should stick with WoG if we have 12 players and change to something smaller if we are not able to find 12 newbie people let's say till the end week.

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Old December 3rd, 2007, 03:42 PM

otthegreat otthegreat is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

Zeldor said:

Did you unpack it into /mod folder in Dominions3 folder?
Sorry to bother you with this again but I can't find a /mod folder. There are folders titled: battlemaps, doc, maps, rawsound, and tutdata but thats it.
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Old December 3rd, 2007, 04:02 PM

Zeldor Zeldor is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

Then you need to create one. Just name it 'mods' [not 'mod'].

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Old December 3rd, 2007, 04:27 PM

FrozenFalcon FrozenFalcon is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

Despite the huge size, WoG seems like a map I want to test, so ok, let's wait for 12 players, since there has been no objections.
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Old December 3rd, 2007, 05:36 PM

Bananadine Bananadine is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

My experience, again: I've played half a dozen single-player games, a couple of which were fairly large. I've become decently skilled against the AI but I haven't played against humans.
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